Ch 8: Let's give these bastards a proper British welcome!

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Timeskip to two days later~

Time: 3:10:34 A.M

Date: August 6, 2060

Location: Quebec, Canada

A Canadian satellite tracks an encrypted message. The Montreal station in Quebec, Canada intercepts it.


Montreal Station: Ici la station de Montréal, nous avons intercepté un message crypté. [This is the Montreal station, we have intercepted an encrypted message.]

Terrorist: It's done. The package is en route to London.

Montreal Station: Tell British intelligence they have a problem.

The satellite tracks a suspect cargo truck on its way to London, England. MI6 personnel at the headquarters, Vauxhall Cross, are notified of the matter.

MI6 Officer: The Canadians just intercepted a message concerning a suspicious shipment headed for London.

SIS Chief: Have we identified the vessel?

MI6 Officer: No sir, the call came from a number on the watch-list the Mexican Cartel gave us.

SIS Chief: Wake up MI5 and notify them that we have an imminent threat.

The Director of MI5, Domestic Intelligence, is in the backseat of a car as she is on the phone with the MI6 Officer, who is in the MI5 Headquarters.

MI5 Director: Gentlemen, what do we know?

MI6 Officer: Nothing solid. Special Branch, Baltic Union and Ghosts are sweeping up known persons of interest, but we advise tasking SAS to investigate Tier One threats.

MI5 Director: Patch me through to Hereford.

MI5 Director connects with the Director of Special Forces at the SAS Headquarters in Hereford.

SAS Director: Ma'am, I understand we have unknown hostiles expecting a package.

MI5 Director: MI5 has identified several possible points of entry. Be advised, the nature of the cargo is currently unknown.

The satellite locates London, where the cargo ship is being docked at the Canary Wharf.

SAS Director: Roger, my team is making ready. We'll be on plot within the hour. Don't worry ma'am. Whatever they're up to, we'll put a stop to it.

[Sgt. Hunter Burns]

[32nd SAS Regiment]

[Canary Wharf, London]

A UAV Is overlooking a dock at Canary Wharf. A forklift vehicle can be seen loading a crate into a truck.

SAS:*to headset* Base, we're online. Midnight view.

SAS Director:*radio* Roger that, Bravo 6. There are multiple trucks in the docks marked "Charity Worldwide". At this time we believe they are targets.

Hunter: That's a dodgy way of doing charity work.

SAS Director: The trucks are leaving the docks right now.

The trucks are seen leaving the docks. One remains parked.

SAS: Our source say what they were transporting?

SAS Director: Intel on this op shows the shipment came from High Value Targets overseas. Be advised, one of the trucks is still at the docks.

SAS: Why not get a MAC-SOG Spectre in here and sink the whole bloody thing in the river?

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