Chapter Twenty • Old Man

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"You need to stop moping and realize that you want to be with him, Val." Carrie's voice is full of concern and her eyes are glued to the half empty ice cream tin in eating out of.

"Wether that's emotionally or you know, physically." Millie says with a wink, taking my spoon and eating my ice cream. How rude.

"I don't know what I want." I admit to them, but neither of them believe me.

"Val, hon. Let me lay this out for you." Millie puts her hands on my knees, setting the ice cream on the side table.

"Ever since Dr. Holloway started giving you 'time' you've been distant. You sleep, eat, drink a little too much, and barely talk to us."

"That means you miss him." Carrie adds.

They're not wrong about how I've been spending my time. If I'm not in class, I'm at work, or sleeping. And okay, maybe I've been drinking too much Tequila.

"I don't miss him." I brush them off.

"Okay, then why are you moping?" Millie's question has me in a corner.

"I'm moping... because... I'm on my period!" Valentina for the save.

"Mhm. Your period was two weeks ago, we remember because you were being bitchy." Carrie has her brows raised at me.

"Look, I'm moping because I met a really sweet guy but thanks to all the douche bags I've dated I can't just trust him. And that's not fair to him. So, Addison was right. He deserves better."

Carrie pulls me into a sympathetic hug, shaking her head. Millie, on the other hand, laughs out loud.

"Babe- he was an asshole to you when he made that comment about your grades. People make mistakes and fuck up, but that doesn't mean you have to let it go. You deserve him."

"What would I even do?" I look at them, begging for answers and help.

"You show up drunk at his house, apologize, and then he bends you over his-" Millie is cut off by Carrie's hand slapping over her mouth.

"As great as that sounds," I start. "I think I'm gonna choose a different route."

"Ooo, be romantic. Do you think he likes flowers?"

At first, her proposal sounds ridiculous, but then I remember a conversation Mark and I had at our picnic. He told me he loved tulips almost as much as sunflowers. I never did get to ask him why.

"You gave me an idea." They both smile wide. "But I'm gonna need help."



I miss her. I fucking miss this woman that I only met like two months ago.

I try to ignore that thought and replace it with things that I hate. Like fake plants. What is the fucking point of them anyway? Can't people just take care of real plants? Why get a plant if it's just going to be fake?

While my mind continues its tangent, I notice something off with my office door. It's slightly ajar, who would come in here?

I slowly push it further open and see little glass jars of tulips and sunflowers scattered across the floor, leading to my desk.

"What the fuck?" I say out loud, as I walk further into my office.

When I get to my desk, I see a handwritten letter under a cute little mason jar with an array of tulips and sunflowers.

My heart skips a beat when I see who the letter is from. Valentina. Could this mean-? No, I can't get my hopes up.

My heart beats faster as I slowly open the letter.

This time apart from you has made me realize that I never gave you a chance with my trust. I was too scared of getting hurt again, that I kept my trust to myself. That is very unfair to you. I'm sorry.

This poem from Milk and Honey reminds me of you...

"What am I to you he asks
I put my hands in his lap
And whisper
You are every hope I've ever had
In human form"

I'm truly sorry, Mark. I hope you will give me a chance to put my trust in you.

Your sunflower,

Fuck. Is someone chopping onions in here?

I quickly pull my phone out and start texting Valentina. Eager to have her near me again.

Me: Please tell me you're close

Valentina 🌻: maybe...

I hear three soft knocks on the door. I rush to it and open it quickly, my breath catching at the beautiful woman in front of me.


"Hi." Her sweet voice makes goosebumps run down my arms.

I move aside and let her walk into my office, closing the door behind me.

As soon as I do, I pull her into a hug. She seems surprised but unbothered. Her breath hitches but she relaxes into my chest and hugs me back.

I'm engulfed by the scent of vanilla when I place my head on top of hers.

Her arms hold me a little tighter and then she pulls back, looking up at me.

She smiles, an exquisite smile that forces my lips to turn up as well. Fuck, I missed her smile.

I gently hold the side of her face and lean down, planting a kiss softly on her lips. My hand finds her hip and settles there, causing her to inhale.

She stands up on her tip toes, deepening the kiss. I could kiss her forever. Her lips feel perfect against mine.

When she pulls back, she's smiling.

"Forgive me?" She playfully pouts.

"Nothing to forgive sweetheart." I wink.

She giggles ands it's the best fucking thing I've heard in a while.

"Mark, I'm sorry you had to see that picture. I don't even know how it was taken." Her eyes are filled with concern.

"I'm sorry it was taken without your knowledge." I sympathize. "And it only bothered me a little."

"Oh?" She laughs slightly.

"That's only because I'm a jealous fuck and I wish that was my lap you were sitting on."

"Don't get too cocky, old man." She teases me.

I put my hand around her throat loosely, a smirk on my face. Her eyes turn a shade darker, she likes this. I can feel her heartbeat going crazy. I love it.

"What did you call me?" I raise my brow at her.

"Old man." She answers confidently, so I give her neck a small squeeze.

"Come again, darling."

"Old. Man. Jealous for me." She keeps teasing me, and fuck if I don't find it sexy. Her words go right down my pants.

"It's fucking hell, baby." I feign a pained look.

"I think I can help with that. Give you an image to replace that one." She smirks as I knit my brows together in confusion.

Then, fuck me, she slowly goes down on her knees. Her eyes locked on mine the entire time.

"Sweetheart-" I'm about to stop her, to tell her she doesn't have to. But she presses a finger to her lips and shushes me.

"I want to." And I believe her.


To be continued... In the next chapter 🤪
Sorry to leave you hanging!

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Thanks for reading,
Mia x

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