Chapter Six • Mark, meet Connor

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I have no fucking clue how I got roped into working the Music Fest.

Will needed the help since he's organizing the whole thing and Josh volunteered us.

Will works with a music producing industry in town, so he helps the University set up our annual music fest. He finds people to perform which helps. They don't have to find people and he can network for his producing company.

Still, why am I here? The sun is too fucking bright and it's giving me a headache.

I help this older lady set up her little table and tent covering, she sells bracelets or something.

That's what I have been doing for most of my Wednesday afternoon. Helping people carry shit and having to be polite.

And just when I think my day can't get any worse I hear her annoyingly sweet voice.

"Connor, you said you'd be here an hour ago." I hear her sigh, sounding stressed and annoyed.

Oh and also, who the fuck is Connor?

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to pressure you I just thought you'd be here by now." She sounds guilty. Ashamed. Like she did the day she came to my office to apologize. I don't like it.

I'm about to walk away and give her some privacy when I hear her say: "Pendejo."

I can't help but chuckle. Cuss words sound so foreign coming out of her pretty mouth.

Apparently I laughed too loudly because she looks up at me, a glare on her face. A glare that shuts me right up.

"Is something funny to you?" Her words are cold and her voice is icy.

"Relax, darling. You just don't cuss very often. Some unlucky fella on the other end of that?"

"First of all, don't call me darling." She glares at me.

"Noted, sweetie." I smirk at her. She sighs a loud irritated sigh.

"Second of all, I didn't call him a pendejo to his face. So there is no "unlucky fella" getting cussed at by me except maybe you." She quotes my two words with a deep, ridiculous voice.

I let my eyes rake over her body, taking in her outfit for the first time. My eyes linger on the bare skin above her waistband and the dark skin on her chest, almost glowing in the sun.

Did I say that I hate the sun? Because I'm not so sure that I do anymore.

I step closer, taking in her scent of vanilla. I bask in the feeling of satisfaction I get when she blushes, her breathing increasing.

"Honey, you haven't cussed at me." I take another step closer.

"Then you're lucky, Dr. Holloway." She takes a confident step forward, a challenge gleaming in her eyes. My heart starts beating a little faster.

"Oh, yeah?" I lift one eyebrow.

I'm one step away from being a breath away from her. One step away from touching her.

"This guy bothering ya, babe?" A squeaky, annoying little voice chirps for our side.

She startles back, her face flushed. I turn my gaze to the kid next to me, my eyes narrowed. This must be Connor.

He's a scrawny looking boy, who clearly doesn't have the location of a barber shop. And he gets to call Val "babe"? This has got to be a joke.

"He's not bothering me, Connor. This is Professor- sorry, Dr. Holloway." Her cheeks are still a bright pink as she turns to Connor.

I give him a tight smile that doesn't reach my eyes.

"And you are?" I raise my brows at him. Standing up a little straighter.

"Connor. The best thing to happen to this chick." Well someone has a high opinion of themselves. And this time it's not me.

He jabs his thumb at Valentina's face and let's out a big, annoying as fuck, laugh. I give him a quick, fake laugh.

"What's your major, kid?" He shifts uncomfortably, I see the corner of Val's eyes crinkle slightly.

Fuck yeah, one point Mark. Zero Connor.

"I'm majoring in pre-law." He smiles a stupid smug smile and wraps his slimy arm around Val's shoulders.

"That's really cool, buddy." I say the words sarcastically but he doesn't seem to notice. Idiot.

"What do you teach?" I didn't realize it was ask the teacher questions time.

"Poetry class." I deadpan at the kid.

"Yooo- I dropped out of a poetry class!" He laughs again, like that's the funniest thing in the world. Hate to break it to you, it's not.

"Yes, Connor. It's the same poetry class." Val seems to be on a short fuse with him. I like it.

"You dropped my class, kid?" He fucking snickers. "You should sit in on a class sometime. See what you're missing."

He nods his head. "Sure, I'll join Tins sometime."

That is by far the worst fucking nickname he could've ever picked for Valentina. She knows it too, I watch her physically cringe.

"It was good to see you, Valentina. See you later, sport." I emphasize her name in sympathy. A big grin fills my face when Valentina chuckles at my name for Connor.

I turn and start walking away when I see Josh and Will giggling like a couple of idiots at me. My phone buzzes.

Nebraskan Idiots 🤬
Will: you're blushing like a little girl

Josh: awww, the baby's in love

Will: surprised you didn't beat the poor kid up

Josh: when can we meet her?????

Me: fuck off

I close my phone and flip the giggling idiots off.


Don't worry... they will meet again 😬

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Mia x

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