Chapter Fourteen • Friends

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"That's cheating!" I yell at Josh who's standing up and raising his arms like he's receiving praise.

"It's called being better than you at basically every board game, Buddy." He ruffles my hair and laughs at me. I pout but give way to laughing pretty quickly.

"How's it feel to be third, loser?" Will laughs and shoves me, drawing my attention to the small white boards we've been keeping score on.

"NO! Fuck." I slump back into the couch when I realize I am in last place. "We still have one game of Clue."

"Nothing can bring you out of a losing score that low, dude." Will snickers at Josh's very unnecessary comment.

"We'll see about that." I make a show out of cracking the knuckles in my hands and neck.

"Oh- oh no! I'm getting nervous now!" Josh feigns fear at my show and puts his hands over his eyes.

"Damn, shits about to get real." Will goes alone with Josh's joke and they're both snickering at me.

"Oh, shut up you assholes." I laugh and flip them both off.

"You're just a sore loser." Will boos at me.

"He's about to be an even bigger loser." Josh smiles widely as we finish setting up the game.


This has become sort of a tradition. On Sunday afternoons, the three of us get together for a couple beers and some activity. A couple weekends ago we played video games. Today we play board games. Sometimes we go out.

Seeing as though next weekend is the first Sunday of October, they're bringing Lana, Diane, and Susie. We're gonna grill some burgers in my backyard.

I used to get worried that it would be awkward being the only one without someone to bring. It never has been, I get along really well with Lana and Diane. Especially with Susie.

Maybe one day I could bring... Valentina. That's just me getting my hopes up and I can't let that happen. She would never want to be in that position with me.

I clean the last of the mess of bottles we left in the living room and toss them.



"Never have I ever been attracted to a teacher. Drink Valentina!" Millie snickers as she drinks from her own shot glass.

I drink the shot and it burns down my throat.

"Carrie needs to drink for that one, we all do." I point out and Millie's face lights up when she remembers.

"Mr. Calvin! You had a crush on your high school weights coach!" Millie cackles and points at a scowling Carrie.

She drinks her shot and we both cheer.

"Okay, okay. Never have I ever kissed a girl." Millie says and immediately drinks her shot.

I follow suit.

"And I fucking loved it!" Millie yells.

"Who wouldn't!" I jokingly swing my hair over my shoulder in a smug manner.

Millie's bisexual and when we first met freshman year, she hit on me. A few parties and drinks later, we kissed. More than once. But that night ended with her holding my hair back as I puked into a bush. Now we're best friends who live together, everything really does work out great.

"You're very kissable Val, but I was thinking something more recent." Millie says, putting her hands over her eyes and giggling.

"Oh my god!" Carrie screams.

"Tell us now." I pry her hands away from her face and beg her for details.

"I may or may not have gone on a date with Silvana from my French class?" My mouth falls open.

"You better not be shitting me." I point my finger in her face.

Millie has been crushing on Silvana since the school year started. Millie's a linguistics major and her first semester is focusing in French. After her first class, she came home screaming about how she lent Silvana a pencil and was too scared to ask her out.

"I'm being serious as fuck. We kissed." She squeals, Carrie and I do too.

"Okay, I'm making drinks! Ladies, to the kitchen. Millie has a story to share." Carrie gets up and heads to the kitchen, I follow behind her with my arm wrapped around Millie's shoulders.

"I'm so happy for you." I look at her and see pure joy in her eyes. She deserves this.


Hey friends! This chapter is all about developing side characters.

Let me know what you think!

I'm a strong supporter and ally of the LGBTQ+ community, so there will be a lot of themes in this book and other books I write alike.

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Thanks for reading,
Mia x

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