Chapter Eleven • Classy

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The blood drains from my face. I don't feel anything, just numb. I'm sure all the ugly emotions that accompany seeing your boyfriend with someone else will come later.

The insecurity that comes with feeling that you're not good enough for him.

The sadness that comes with realizing that he could be with someone else as easily as this.

The betrayal that comes with seeing how public it is. How many people can see him and her.

But the worst feeling of all- trust being broken. You can never look at this person that you once poured everything into the same. Doubt creeps in and you wonder. You wonder too much. Maybe not enough. It'll never be the same as before you were blissfully unaware of this.

"That son of a bitch." I startle at the deep voice coming from my left. I forgot he was here.

Seconds ago we were laughing. I was leaning my head on his shoulder. We talked.

I stand up slowly and start making my way to the place Connor is kissing this other girl. I can't see who she is, her back is to me. But her long, straight, platinum blonde hair sways as she kisses him back.

I can feel Professor Holloway following close behind me. I probably seem pathetic to him right now. But I'm grateful for his presence.

"Connor." Everything inside me is hurting but my voice doesn't show it. It's cold and unforgiving.

He looks up at me, shock on his eyes. The girl takes one look at me and walks away, probably not wanting to get involved in any drama.

"Oh, shit. Babe, I thought you were studying tonight. Or working?"

"You're cheating on me?" I get straight to the point.

"I didn't think you would find out." He shrugs innocently and laughs a little.

"That's real fucking classy, Connor. We're done." I turn my back and start walking away.

I feel a hand grab my arm harshly, bruising me.

"You don't get to fucking leave me."

"You're hurting me, Connor. Stop." He doesn't stop.

In a split second, I see Dr. Holloway's glare. Then his hand ripping Connor's hand off my arm and pushing him back.

"Don't fucking touch her." Then he turns to me. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." My hand is wrapped around my bruising arm and I feel a little blood, probably Connor's nails getting ripped off my arm.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Connor points at Dr. Holloway and then laughs at his following statement. "Is she fucking you for a good grade?"

I see Dr. Holloway's set jaw clench. His hands balled up at his sides. I place my hand on his arm to calm him.

"I realize this is a foreign concept to you but most people don't cheat on their partners." I point my glare at Connor.

"Whatever." He looks at Dr. Holloway. "You can have the bitch. I was tired of her anyway."

His words cut through me like a knife splitting me in half. I feel tears coming.

Dr. Holloway punches Connor square in his jaw and lifts him up by his collar. Connors nose is cut and bleeding, a scared look on his face.

"If you ever speak about her like that again, I won't be so generous." Dr. Holloway's words are icy and threatening. His voice low.

"Not a word to anyone. Understood?"

Connor nods his head quickly and Dr. Holloway sets him down. He turns to me, the rage that was burning in his eyes now replaced by concern. For me.

"Let me get you out of here." I nod numbly and let him lead me out of the cramped bar. His hand on my back the entire time.

I'm not terribly sad that Connor is no longer my boyfriend. It's something I couldn't bring myself to do but it needed to happen.

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but some sad part of me hoped he cared.

Cared enough to stay loyal. Cared enough to want me. Cared enough to protect me.

Now I'm faced with the cold truth. He never cared about me, or protected me. He used me to feel better about himself, to help himself.

Professor Holloway guides me into his car and types something into his phone. Then he sets it down and starts driving.

"Where are we going?" My voice sounds so small, so pathetic.

"My house."

His house? HIS HOUSE? His house. Okay.


Wow, I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter. Let me know what you think >>>

I'm hoping I was able to convey a lot of the feelings had when this kind of stuff happens. I understand it's a sensitive topic. If you've ever been through something like this, I'm so sorry and you deserve so much better.

On another note, he's taking her to his house? What's that about, huh??? 🤨

I hope you're all well 🫶

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                                    Mia x

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