Chapter One • Situationships

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"I can't believe you convinced me to take a poetry class." I deadpan at my boyfriend, Connor, who's lounging on my bed. He gives me no reaction whatsoever and continues scrolling on his phone. I hate it when he does that.

We started dating at the end of Junior year when I got drunk at one of his parties. We hooked up and he asked me out. I felt bad saying no, and I did end up having fun at the date. It's just been a little complicated since then.

I scoff and pull my colorful crochet sweater over my head, sighing happily at how it matches my yellow Vans. I twist the curly mess of hair on top of my head and pull a scrunchie around it.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." I tap his foot but he doesn't move. "Connor."

"Huh?" He doesn't look up at me.

"We're going to be late." He finally looks up at me but he, evidently, has no idea what I'm talking about. "Poetry class?"

"Oh, I dropped that." He shrugs and goes back to his phone. Like I didn't join this class specifically because he asked me to.

"But deadlines for dropping a class were a month ago. And you asked me to join this class so you wouldn't have to take it alone." It's more of a statement than a question. I'm not going to this class without him.

I'm a psychology major and I have no need for this poetry class in my schedule. I signed up for it the same day Connor told me he was taking it. He begged me to sign up, so I said yes.

"Yeah, I dropped it a month ago." He says, like it's not something he should've told me, oh I don't know, maybe a month ago?

"Connor, why didn't you tell me? I signed up to this class for you." I cross my arms and let out a tired sigh. He's always doing this type of thing. Connor let's out a long, exaggerated sigh and rolls his eyes.

"Stop being a bitch, babe. You could've said no. I don't see how this is my fault." He rolls off the bed and strolls out of my room. Like he didn't just call me a bitch.

I grab my things and follow him out into the living room of my apartment. I live with my best friends, Carrie and Millie, who absolutely despise Connor. I see Millie lounging on the couch and I'm assuming Carrie is in class.

"Hey Mills, I'm off to class. Are we still on for tonight?" It's the first day of classes our senior year and we've decided to celebrate. So, us girls are going out to a bar and getting blackout drunk. Great idea for the first week of school, I know.

Millie waves her hand at me and makes a muffled "Mhm" noise. She's watching Love Island, so I really have no hope of getting her attention.

"What's tonight?" Connor looks up from his phone.

"I told you, remember? Millie, Carrie, and I are going out to a bar." I make my way to the door but before I can leave, Connors words stop me.

"Yeah, I don't think so. I don't trust you enough." He looks right back down at his phone. His words hit me and I feel a pang of sadness forming in my chest.

"W-what?" My voice sounds strangled.

"God, do I always have to repeat myself with you? It's like you never fucking listen to me."

The Professor Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora