Chapter Seven • Kiwi

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Milo's incessant barking wakes me. He won't shut the hell up. I check my phone and see that it's 3 in the fucking morning.

"Milo, stop." I groggily groan at him and wave my arm in a sad attempt to get his attention.

He barks louder, growling and scratching at the window. I guess I'm already awake.

I stand up and pull on some sweats before walking over to the window. Suddenly I see what Milo's barking at, worry swelling in my chest. There's a dog laying in the middle of the street. A small chihuahua.

"Alright, Milo. Calm down." I pull a hoodie over my head and slip into some tennis shoes. "Stay here."

I close the door behind me and slowly approach the puppy, checking to make sure no cars are coming. It seems to be only a few months old.

"Hey, cutie." I coo at the dog, trying to seem the opposite of threatening. I crouch down and reach out one hand.

The puppy runs over to me, right into my hand. I pick it up and walk back to my place. There's no collar and she looks hungry. I've never understood how humans can be so cruel to such innocent animals. I probably never will.



Professor Holloway emailed me, asking me to come into his office. It's Friday and I haven't talked to him since class on Monday. Why would he ask to see me? My anxiety is rising.

"He probably wants to jump your bones just as much as you want to jump his." Millie slurps another noodle from her ramen bowl and shrugs.

"Or find out what the deal with Connor is." Carrie adds, then sighs. "You should tell him that you're gonna break up with him and then stick to Carrie's 'jumping bones' plan."

They both giggle. I roll my eyes and flip them both off.

"Excuse me ladies. I have been summoned." I try leaving before any other unnecessary comments but Millie beats me to it.

"When you come back just remember: there's no walk of shame, only the stride of pride and the strut of a slut!" She cackles and Carrie whistles as I walk out.

I strut out of the room, laughing just as loud as Millie. I love my girls.


I softly knock three times on the wooden door, studying the silver plaque with his name on it. Dr. Mark Holloway, PhD.

"Come in." His deep voice calls out, sending chills down my arms. I take a deep breath and twist the door knob.

"Hi." I give him a smile and a small wave.

"Valentina. Thank you for coming." He gives me a guarded smile and motions for me to sit.

"Is that a dog?" I gasp. My eyes narrow in on a small puppy, a chihuahua sleeping on his lap. This might be the cutest sight ever. His large hands move to grab the puppy, almost entirely covering its tiny body.

"This little thing wandered into my neighborhood and Milo woke me up at three just so I could get it." He sounds grumpy. He places the pup on the ground and stands up to follow it.

"Milo?" I get out of the chair and kneel down on my knees to pet the chihuahua.

"My golden retriever." He crosses his arms over his chest, his muscles flexing.

I lift my head to look towards him just as he steps closer to follow the wandering dog. My face is in front of his crotch. He's standing so close. I look up at him and see him looking down at me. His eyes hazed over. I inhale, my heart beating through my chest. The tension between us growing so thick itd getting hard to breathe.

I wonder what this must look like to a bystander. Some student kneeling down, face to face, with a professors crotch. Then engaging in some weird, tense eye contact.

The tension is growing almost too thick to bear. So I clear my throat and move back a little. I start to stand up and he holds his hand out to me. Offering me help.

His hand, just as firm and soft as the first time I held it. He pulls me to my feet and then bends down to grab the dog.

"Golden retriever, huh?" I try to cut through the awkwardness.

"I was wondering if you knew anyone who might want to adopt this dog." He cuts straight to the point. His shoulders a little more tense than before the whole kneeling fiasco.

I hold my hands out to take the puppy and he passes her to me, careful to avoid touching my hand.

I make the rookie mistake of looking at the puppy's eyes. I'm a goner.

"She's mine. Aren't you Kiwi?" It's destiny.

"Kiwi?" His voice cuts through my trance, drawing my eyes back to his. I blush when I see how close he's moved.

"Millie and Carrie -my friends- and I decided that if we ever got a pet we'd name it Kiwi."

"I'm glad she's found a good home." His sincere words warm my heart and I smile up at him. He smiles right back.


AHHH!! I LOVE DOGS! I have a chihuahua too, her name is Prim Rose. And a Jack Russel named Benito. Couple of cuties.

Hope this conveyed one of Marks soft spots :)

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Mia x

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