Chapter Thirteen • Dot, Dot, Dot

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It's been over a week since I was at Mark's house. All of my emotions are just as fresh as they were that day. My heart beats a little faster every time I think about Mark's voice reciting poetry and calling me cute.

When I told Carrie and Millie where I'd been, to say they freaked out would be an understatement. Millie still suspects that Mark and I had sex, no matter how many times I tell her otherwise. Carrie keeps checking in on me to make sure I'm okay, after Connor.

I am okay. I'm better than okay, really. There's no degrading comments from a cheating boyfriend. No one telling me what I can wear and what I can say. No one throwing my tacos away.

Mark gave me his number before he dropped me off at my apartment on Friday. I saved his contact as Dr. Holloway 👨🏻‍🏫.

We've texted a few times. Mainly him checking up on me and reminding me that if I need anything I can ask him. There's also been a lot of me thanking him for everything he did.

There might be some slight flirting too...
But that doesn't mean anything!!



I've been trying to not stare at her all class. Her tight yellow sweater accentuates her curves and complements her dark hair.

Valentina hasn't been making it easy for me. Every time I steal a glance at her, she's smiling and looking right back at me. I try not to smile back but it's really fucking hard.

That's why I'm thankful when our class time is finally wrapping up.

"You have a paper due on Kipling's poem in one week. Parameters are online. You're all free to go." I chuckle as a handful of students groan and then practically sprint out of class.

I'm sitting on the edge of my desk, my arms folded across my chest. The class is empty now except for her. Valentina.

God, she's beautiful. My heart skips a beat when I look at her smile.

She's looking down at her phone, tapping something into it. I feel a buzz on my desk.

Valentina 👩🏻‍🎓: Busy?

I chuckle at her form of communication. I'd much rather hear her voice.

Me: My office?

I watch her slowly gather her things. And then she walks past me to the door connecting the class and my office. Her black skirt sways perfectly in sync with her hips. I follow closely behind her.

I sit on the edge of my office desk next to her leather chair. She looks up at me, her dark eyes, as curious as always.

"These are yours. I never got a chance to return them." She's blushing slightly as she tries to return my clothes to me. I shake my head.

"Keep 'em. They look better on you, anyway." I smirk as she blushes even harder.

She puts the clothes back in her bag and then looks back up at me, she seems nervous.

"I-I wanted to clarify something." I nod for her to continue. "The other day, here in your office..."

I feel a tug in my stomach at the reminder of the day I almost kissed her. The day I leaned over her by the water pitcher. Her scent of vanilla clouded my mind. I nod again.

"When I said 'I can't do this'. It was only because I was still Connor's girlfriend." Her eyes flutter shut and she's blushing like crazy. I can't help but tease her.

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