Chapter Three • Sweetheart

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Millie is lying on the floor, holding her stomach from cackling so hard.

Carrie is clutching a little too tightly on my arm, wheezing from laughter.

"It's so embarrassing!" My face is in my hands, but I can't help laughing with them. No matter how bad my first poetry class went, it was still pretty funny.

"It's fucking hilarious. You flirted with your professor." Millie manages to get the words out between her witch-like cackles.

"And you managed to insult him too!" Carrie decides to add, still wheezing for air. Her hand now clutching her own stomach.

"Oh my God. I have to apologize." I cover my eyes with my hands, dreading the moment I have to walk into his office and apologize for simultaneously drooling over him and calling him arrogant.

Millie sobers up and sits by my side. She puts her hand on my shoulder, drawing my gaze to her. She has a very serious expression on her face. That is until she opens her mouth to speak.

"Babe, walk in there and flash him. That'll shut him right up." She grins proudly when my face conveys my absolute horror at the idea.

"I would actually pay to see his reaction." Carrie speaks up from my other side.

"I will not be flashing my professor." I stand up and start folding one of the blankets draped on our couch, desperate to distract my mind from that specific image.

Yep, I need to get that out of my mind.

"Val, I know you're thinking about doing it." Carrie teases me.

The three of us have lived together for too long.
I'm moving out, first chance I get.

"I am not!" I lie, my cheeks flushed.

"That's it! I need a picture of the man that has turned our little Val into mush." Millie stands up and squeezes my cheeks like a grandmother.

"I am not mush. I just-" Carrie's loud screech cuts my words off.

She's clutching her phone with a death grip, her knuckles white. Millie looks at the phone screen and gasps loudly, slapping a hand to her heart.

"I understand the mush." Carrie nods.

"If you don't flash him, I will." Millie says

"No one is flashing my professor." I state firmly with my hands on my hips. "Now let me see the damn picture."

Carrie turns her phone to face me. She's pulled up the staff page on the University website and Dr. Holloway's portrait fills the screen.

My hand tingles, remembering how he firmly held it.

"You got a little drool there, babe." Millie reaches up to my face, sarcastically swiping at the corner of my mouth. Carrie snickers at her joke. I swat her hand away.

"I think I should go see him and apologize." They both smile at me, knowingly.

I have really got to find new best friends.



After working here two years, you'd think I'd be used to every interaction I might have with a student.

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