Vox: Well, let's start over then. Look, Y/N. About how Valentino has been treating you, that's just his nature. He craves lust. He's a fucking (bleep) director, for God's sake. 

Y/N: And you...A hypnotist who thinks of himself as a god. Good luck trying to use that eye on me. It won't work. And let me guess, this is about Alastor, right?

Vox smirked as Y/N was one step ahead.

Vox: Straight to the point. I like that. Listen, I don't know if it occurred to you, but the Radio Demon is getting too close to Princess Morningstar. 

Y/N: And how exactly is that bad? 

Vox: Because you don't know him, like I do. Alastor, despite being an Overlord, is feared among all of Pentagram City. And believe me when I say this: If he had his way, he would've claimed your soul already. 

Y/N then thought to herself as Vox made a good point. It was quite strange that the Radio Demon would be helping Charlie with the hotel instead of asking for a fight. 

Y/N: What are you implying, that he's a Two-Face? 

Vox: Has it occurred to you that there are a small amount of Overlords in Pentagram City now?

Y/N: Yes, I'm aware. I was at the meeting. 

Vox: Then you understand when I say this. Alastor may be the prime suspect of their disappearances. 

Vox then walked around Y/N and rambled on while Y/N was forced to listen and process the information. 

Vox: You may be lucky that the Radio Demon is helping you now, but you should also worry about what will happen if the work is done. He tends to be...a tricky person to understand. And if he wanted, he would get rid of me by now. He would just obtain our souls and be done with it. 

Y/N: So why hasn't he? Does he see you as a worthy rival? 

Vox: No...Well, yes. But the question you should be asking is: Why hasn't he done anything but help the princess WILLINGLY? And why would he be helping the Princess with something even he would consider ridiculous? 

Y/N then thought to herself as it pointed out Vox was right. Considering Alastor's power, there was no way he would be helping the Princess with something like this and if it weren't for him, Pentious wouldn't have been accepted in the Hotel. 

Vox: All I'm just asking for is...make sure they don't make any deals. He's a lot more powerful than you think. 

Y/N: So what? Even if he gets out of the picture, you would just fill in the void. 

Vox then fixed his bow with a smug look on his face. 

Vox: Can't blame a guy for his company to expand. And besides, no one uses the radio anymore. You don't use it either. 

Y/N: (sighs) Just stay away from the Princess and we'll stay away from you. As for Alastor, he's our problem. Not yours.

Y/N then walked up to Vox and pressed her claw on his suit, trying to threaten him. 


Y/N: And if you think you can just come in here and order demands, think again. Because I will never submit my soul to anyone. Not Alastor, Not Velvette, not even you. Period. 

Y/N then turned to leave, but Vox had one more thing to say. 

Vox: Hmm...Big talk from someone who...wants to be leashed by the Weapon Queen. 

Battling your Demons. (Hazbin Hotel x Female Cat Sinner Reader)Where stories live. Discover now