“If you didn't know how to use them....why are you talking about increasing your forces? What’ll you do after gathering power that you can’t control? You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. And I have a plan. I didn’t come here today because I wanted to join you.” Overhaul finished.

“Twice, don’t bring people before checking their intent.” Shigaraki turned to Twice, making him wince.

“In order to execute my plan, I need a lot of money. There isn’t really anyone willing to invest in some obsolete small-time yakuza. But it’d be different if I had you guys, with your increasing name recognition. Put yourselves under me. I’ll show you how well I can use you. And then, I’ll become the next leader.” Overhaul told Shigaraki.

“Go home.” Shigaraki whispered.

Magne unwrapped her pole, running at Overhaul, yelling, “Sorry, yakuza boy, we didn’t come together to be under someone.”

Overhaul started glowing blue, heading for Magne.

‘I met up with my friend the other day. She’s reserved and shy, but she’s someone who is still my friend even knowing my past.’ Magne told herself.

“I’m here because I don’t want to be bound by anything! We will decide where we belong!” Magne shouted at Overhaul, who took one of his gloves off and scratched his finger on Magne’s arm. Magne’s skin started bubbling up before her upper half exploded, blood bursting out.

The League stared in horror at the scene.

The person who dawned the hoodie had her eyes widened a bit but nonetheless simply looked away, 'Rest in Peace, Big Sis Magne'

Magne’s bottom half fell to the floor while blood dripped from the ceiling.

“You all made the first move.” Overhaul told them as he rubbed his sleeve, complaining, “Argh, that’s filthy. That’s why I hate stuff like this…”

“You ruffian! I'll use my Compress to seal him away!” Mr. Compress declared as he jumped for Overhaul.

A bullet shot into Mr. Compress’s arm while he reached out for Overhaul, and when Mr. Compress touched him, nothing happened but bumps appearing on Overhaul’s arm.

“I can’t use my quirk?!” Mr. Compress realized.

“Don’t touch me!” Overhaul shouted, exploding Mr. Compress’s arm off. Shigaraki ran for Overhaul, a bullet almosting hitting him. Overhaul noticed this, yelling out, “Shield!”

Someone got in front of Overhaul as Shigaraki touched him, turning him to dust.

Shigaraki jumped back from Overhaul, realizing, “I see…”

The wall to the warehouse bursted open, with five men coming in.

“If you’d started with that, it would’ve been a lot easier to understand what you wanted.” Shigaraki exclaimed.

“We're likely to cut down each other’s forces, anyway. We’re even right now with one corpse on each side. It’s a good time to stop. Let’s cool our heads and talk again another day. We’ll own you an arm.” Overhaul told them as he started walking out of the warehouse.

“Bastard, I’ll kill you!” Twice vowed, holding Mr. Compress.

“Tomura, I can cut him. I’m going to, okay?” Toga said as she pulled out a knife.

“No.” Shigaraki murmured.

“Let me take responsibility!” Twice yelled.

“No.” Shigaraki murmured again.

“A wise decision, Hand Guy.” one of the men teased Shigaraki.

“It doesn’t have to be right away, but the sooner the better. Think carefully about your own organization and stuff. Give me a call once you’ve calmed down a bit.” Overhaul told Shigaraki as he threw out a card for him.

“Wait, you bastard!” Twice shouted. Looking at Shigaraki, Twice asked, “Why did you stop me, Shigaraki?”

“Jin, more importantly, take Atsuhiro to the doctor.” Toga told Twice.

“Tomura, I’ll cut those guys.” Toga told Shigaraki, staring at her knife.

“No.” Shigaraki repeated.

“Tomura?” Toga looked up from her knife.

“Not yet.” Shigaraki told her.

‘You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just start over. Start over as many times as you need to. That’s why I’m here. Everything is for you.’

‘You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. And I have a plan.’

Shigaraki walked around the warehouse, thinking, ‘Shie Hassaikai… I’ll demand a lot in repayment for this…’

Outside of the warehouse, Himiko was seen, staring at the moon with something on her mind....until she heard footsteps that caused her to turn around and smile, "So...do you trust me now?"

When Himiko said that towards her one true Master, he simply sighed, "Fine, I'll let you join your little group, only because they might help our search for Eri" Izuku was the one who said this with Himiko getting closer to the boy and gave a kiss on the lips so he can savor her taste.

After that she left, leaving Izuku there who clenched his fist.

'It would've been nice to end all the bastards there but I did enjoy one of them being red paste from their upper body'

[I have a feeling that the ones with the plague mask are more important than the handjob fellow]

'Hahhahaha oh my God! You actually said his nickname, I'm so proud'

Izuku could only chuckle while jumping high enough in the air to avoid getting caught from the L.O.V members minus Himiko.

"I better get to work, time to pay someone a visit" Izuku simply said as he used Ryõba and sent a slash of energy to form a portal and jumped inside of it.

Chapter End.

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