Chapter 10: Reunions.

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"Good morning, my Celestial." 

Celestial. It suits you. That beauty and elegance so divine and angelic. I can even say this with confidence. God gave me you, my Celestial. The fact I had you in my arms with you leaning your head against my chest two days ago and it's still in my mind, I can even feel it still. 

You make me feel all kinds of feelings now, Phoebe.

Even those I was trained to restrain, now I am losing all control when you're near.

But why do you have to be my client? 

Why do we have to meet this way?

And just why am I thinking about you like this?

Your father's gonna kill me.

Oh she's still asleep. I closed the door behind me and walked towards her bed. I looked at her beautiful face and I really can't help but smile whenever I laid my eyes on her.

She looked so peaceful yet so vulnerable in this state. Well, that's why I'm here. To protect you, my Celestial..

But do I just stay as someone who only protects you?


I don't think I can.

I turned around and made my way back to the door, not wanting to make any sound that could disturb her sleep. As I turned the doorknob and opened the door, I heard her sheets move and that voice..


Oops, did I wake her?

I turned to her with a gentle smile and expression on my face. "Good morning, Phoebe."

She giggled and spoke in that adorable morning voice of hers. "Good morning, Kiel. What? No nickname day?"

I smirked from her playful question, I bit my lips as I looked down and chuckled. "So you prefer that I call you my Celestial?"

And there she was, blushing. I laughed as her cheeks turned bright pink. I got you, didn't I?

I grinned from her cute reactions, she was gripping on her covers as she blushed. "Did I get you flustered, my Celestial?"

"That's not part of your job." She said and I laughed.

"Oh I wont charge you." I could feel my grin grew from all this teasing. "But I don't mind if you give me tips."

"You know I don't hold money." Oh I know. 

I slowly walked towards her and when I'm half way from the door and her bed I stopped, and I looked in her eyes with a smirk in my face as I said. "I don't mean money, my Celestial."



Now I think about it, Phoebe and I suddenly got to this level of closeness under a few days. Yeah, we were close before, but now it's different. It's like we are in a friendship level kind of closeness. 

I'm not complaining though.

I let out an exhale as I try to catch my breath from beating up this punching bag. I walked to the bench at the side and drank from my water bottle. I closed my eyes as this water tasted so good right now, like wow. I grabbed my towel and wiped my face with it, and I sat down.

Lately, I've been thinking about her birthday. For the past two years I've been with her, it was always special and planned out a month before. But right now, it's in less than a week and no plans are being mentioned. Her father isn't contacting me either, it's her eighteenth, it should be extra special.

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