Chapter 9: Tell Me Right.

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It was nice to eat out every once in a while. I washed my hands at the restroom thoroughly rinsing my fingers, soap, then rinse again. I then heard a knock on the bathroom. "Wait a minute." I said to let the person outside know it's occupied.

"Oh I know, my Celestial. I can wait, just wanted to make sure you're still there." He said in a gentle tone but with a hint of playfulness in his voice. Is it weird that I can see him smile through the door?

After a couple minutes, I opened the restroom door and there he was. Standing right in front of the door looking straight at me with a smile, like he knew I'd end up in this every spot once the door opens. Wait is he calling me small?

"There you are, my Celestial." He said softly as his eyes kept their gaze on mine. 

Did I ever tell him about how beautiful his blue eyes were? I wonder what he looks at a lot with those. What am I thinking?

His hands suddenly found its way to my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. Why is he doing this? I can't breathe. He moved his hands down to the side of my neck with his thumb under my chin and the tip of his fingers on the nape of my neck.

"Kiel?" What are you doing?

He smirked and leaned down a little as he took a step forward, his eyes trailed down from my eyes to my lips. I felt him push me back inside a little. "Go back inside."


He chuckled and he leaned down a little more before he spoke in a teasing tone of voice. "My Celestial, go back inside the restroom.." He leaned down to my ears. "And fix the lipstick in your teeth."


I immediately ran back inside the restroom, took out a tissue in the counter and checked my teeth in the mirror..




I sat here at the backseat pouting, I can't believe he just tricked me like that. Look at him, he's smirking at me through the rear mirror. I sticked out my tongue as a childish tease and he laughed. He is such a tease.

"Are you mad, my Celestial?" He chuckled. I decided not to answer his question. He is obviously making fun of me. 

I looked out the window and just watched the trees and buildings pass by. I heard him laugh again before he spoke. "You wanna play that game huh?  Driver stop the car here."

Here? It's still a couple miles away from home?

The driver stopped the car just right after Kiel told him to. Kiel looked at me with that annoying smirk on his face before he stepped out of the car and opened my door, offering his hand to assist me. 

"Come out." He said in a commanding tone without raising his voice.

"Why?" I asked him, giving him the 'we ain't cool' look.

He chuckled. "Just come out or I'll drag you out." The second part sounded like a joke but I wasn't planning to figure out if he actually will so I took his hand and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Go home." He told the driver before closing the car door shut and I watched the car drove off.

"Wha-What about us?" I asked him looking very confused.

"So are you mad?" He asked again while he still has that smirk on his face.

I averted my eyes from him to a random direction as I crossed my arms. No, I wont answer that mister.

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