Chapter 4: Him to me.

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I sat up my bed as soon as my eyes opened, and let out a yawn. That was a good sleep. I turned to my window and I noticed it was still dark outside, I guess I woke up too early since the sun hasn't risen up yet. I got off my bed, put my slippers on and walked towards my door. I closed it behind me as I walked out. It was still, silent, and dark.

I walked to his room but before I could knock, I heard noise from another room and the light was open, the gym.

I made my way towards the gym room silently, making sure I stay quiet as possible. Why? I don't know. 

The door wasn't fully closed I could hear thumps like punches? I then slowly opened the door a little more and looked in..

Kiel? Looks like he's up early for exercise but does he have to be.. shirtless..

Kiel was a sight to behold, with his strong physique and toned muscles. His fist struck the heavy bag, sending shockwaves through it with each blow. The sounds of his strikes reverberated fiercely with a deep, booming thump. His muscles flexed and bulged with every strike, each movement a display of pure strength and intensity. There was a certain amount of gracefulness as well, which made the whole sight one of incredible power and beauty.

"You know, you could've just told me if you wanted to watch." He said in a playful tone before he turned and looked at me with a smirk. Boy, you're dreaming.

"Good morning, Kiel." Yeah, I'll pretend what you said never happened.

He chuckled. "Good morning, Phoebe." He smiled softly at me before he continued. "How was your sleep?"

I opened the door completely and walked in. "My sleep was sublime, thank you for asking! I honestly felt like I was sleeping on a cloud."

He kept that smile on him and he started to take off his gloves. "I'm glad to hear that, Phoebe." He said softly.

Phoebe.. Why does my name sounds so different when you say it now, it wasn't like that before, it's different but couldn't quite put my finger on how.

"You wanna watch the sunrise? With your morning coffee, of course." He asked as he grabs his towel and started patting the sweat on his forehead then face.

Kiel Cohrter, you know me so well

The excitement that my face showed after he asked that was enough to answer his question, and he knows well enough that I wouldn't turn down sunrise and coffee. He chuckled. "Alright, I'll go make you your coffee"


"Shouldn't we just ask a maid to that?" I said, curious as to why he had to make it himself. 

He put on his shirt and smiled at me. "And what? repeat the two minute long instructions about how you want your coffee made?" He then chuckled. "Save your time, Celestial. I got it all memorized." He said and walked past me to the hallway.

Memorized? Wait what? Celestial?

"You do?" I asked cause wow he does? The maids do it for me all the time but he was right. Despite them making it for me almost everyday, I always had to repeat myself how I want then made. They never memorized it. And he did.

He turned his head and smiled at me. "I do, Phoebe."

I returned him a smile, that was really sweet of him. I never thought he would pay attention to my coffee yet he did and memorized it even. I appreciate him a lot for that.


My eyes was fixed to the sky as I stood in front of the big window in the dining area. The first sight of light crept into the sky. The horizon was gradually turning from black to gray as the sun approached its appearance, the first faint rays of light gently caressed the landscape.

"Phoebe.." I felt him approach me and stood beside me by the window. "Here's your coffee." 

I turned to look at the coffee he was holding and then up to his eyes, blue. Like how the sky will be in a few moments from now. The way the light around reflected in his eyes made me feel like I could just watch the sunset from his and I would still feel the same comfort sunrises give me. Or maybe more.

"Thank you, Kiel." I smiled as I turned back to watch the sky, but I could still feel his eyes on me. Or is it just me?

The morning seemed to unfold in slow motion, the shadows gradually fading becoming illuminated light across the gardens of the mansion. It was a mesmerizing scene that made me want to pause the moment and truly appreciate the beauty of it. I took a deep breath.

If someone would've asked me which I prefer, sunsets or sunrises. My answer would always be sunrises.

It was something I rarely witnessed and it reminds us that it's a new beginning, to always rise back up and that light will eventually illuminate the shadows.

"It's breathtaking." I said softly as I watched the sun fully shined on us.

"It is beautiful." He agreed. As he should.

I looked down to the cup of coffee in my hand and took a sip. Wow. My eyes widened. He did memorize how I want my coffee made. 

"I got it, right?" He asked, he knew he got it, and he just wanted to hear it from me. But what if..

"Unfortunately no, I'm disappointed." I said frowning. I heard him made a little gasp, he looked shocked.

"W-wait what?" He said in a worried tone and started murmuring to himself. "I swear I did it right, did I miss a step despite memorizing it or maybe-"

I laughed, cutting him off. "I'm just kidding, Kiel."

He looked at me in disbelief that I just did something like that, pausing for a moment and then he laughed. "Wow, I didn't know you can pull little pranks."

"And you fell for it." I said in a playful tone. Of course I can.

 He looked at me with a smile. "I did, falling."



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