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And that was when I knew I lost my favorite person:

my best friend

my boyfriend

the boy I thought I'd be with forever

the boy I thought I'd marry someday

crying for hours and hours

my heart wrung out 

thoughts that would devour

my stomach in knots

his eyes were blue as the ocean

but now they are just dull and grey

his words were filled with devotion

now they're too bitter to taste

my joy that he had brought

only to be torn away

now he's only a thought

and the giver of my pain

we weren't destined to be

our story meant to end

only temporarily would we be happy

for this is our fate

not quite like the movies

for this feels so real

it is him that I am losing

and I cannot take this pain anymore

my love

my dear

my star

my light

you have shown me how to love

but not how to stop

you taught me how to see

even when I was blind

you showed me true love

that not even I can describe with words

but now it's over

it's all over

so very over

I wish to die


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