(more of a vent then a poem)

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(A/N: sorry I just needa get this off my chest)

we were supposed to watch bolt together. such a silly movie, but you love it. we were supposed to get ice cream and watch it. just the two of us. you told me that you only wanted to watch it with me. it was so sweet because I thought that for once I was special. but recently you've been so rude to me and sometimes you seem really annoyed by me. usually, i forgive you so easily because I'm so fucking in love with you. but this time it was more painful. I never thought I'd ever get mad at you but here I am for the third time in my life so upset. it just feels like you don't care anymore. i don't want to lose you but you are turning into a jerk! I want to spend my summer with you but how can I if you hurt me like this? Why does it hurt so much to love you? Why do I love you if you make me look like a fool every damn time? I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU SO MUCH. BUT THAT'S NOT EVEN TRUE!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU TOO MUCH AND IT HURTS. I DON'T HATE YOU. I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. THAT IS SO SO SO MUCH WORSE THAN ME HATING YOU.  I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND I'M SORRY I CAN'T TAKE THESE GODDAMN FEELINGS AWAY.


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