Flowers to Weeds

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It was summer when our flowers started to bloom

We were the only flowers to grow in the room

But then came the weeds,

Oh those awful weeds that took you away

How could we grow when you weren't in the light of day?

So one of them grows while the other rots

The more petals I gained, the smaller the pot

But then I looked over at your pot, and it was bigger

Then I looked at the petals, they had grown 

That was when I learned that I could never grow on my own

But you left me for those stupid weeds

And my flower petals fell off slowly piece by piece

I had started to give up hope

But that was when I met she and he

They were there to save my leaves

So now I don't need you

And you still try to come back to me

No more, go back to your weeds.

Once you left the first time, I learned from it, and I made peace.


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