Chapter 26 - Semi Truck

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This evening, Oliver and I were getting to go out to the bar with a few friends. It's gonna be nice. I haven't been out in a while, so I was excited.

I hopped out of the shower and decided to keep my hair naturally straight today. I really didn't want to do anything to special besides blow dry my fringe.

I put on a black halter top and some skinny jeans shorts with a black belt to match. I put on minimal makeup, consisting of concealer, powder, blush, and a bit of mascara.

Then I put on black chelsea boots to match. I decided on this black hand bag for my keys, phone, license, and makeup. I know it's a lot of black, but  it looks cute together, I swear.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Oliver in jeans and a t-shirt. Typical boy. It was 5 pm, so we've already eaten dinner.

"Ready to go yet?" Oliver asks me.

"You have to be patient. We have to take a long time to get ready to look this beautiful!" I tell him, bobbing my hair up and down dramatically.

"All I do is put on jeans, a t shirt, and brush my hair with my fingers." Oliver shrugs.

I laugh. "Come on, mister, we're gonna be late." I drag him by his hand.

The drive there wasn't bad. It was dark except for the street lights. It felt creepy and cool like a horror movie. It felt like a clown was gonna pop out from the bushes any second now. Knock on wood.

We arrive at the bar. It's packed. It took us 20 minutes just to find a parking spot. There must be a spirit night going on.

"Wow. I hope we find a place to park." I say.

Once inside, we stopped at the door. Holy Moly. That's a lot of people. There had to have been over 100 people there.

We find a quiet booth just for us to sit. Somehow. It was in the back. The bar was playing some downtempo electric music. We could hardly hear each other over the noise of the bar.

I ordered a margarita, and Oliver ordered a beer. It was all going fine until Oliver decided to order shots. One shot, two shots, three... it went on and on.

I dont really like the taste of alcohol do I could hardly finish my margarita. Oliver and I got up to dance to the loud music.

Later, I found myself wandered into a corner. I sighed to myself. I'm never gonna find Oliver in this mess of a place. I reached into my handbag to find my phone when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, baby girl." A man who looked to be in his late teens said. He reeked of alcohol.

"I have a boyfriend." I simply stated.

"So? He doesn't have to know." The man tucked a hair behind my ear.

"Back off! I said I have a boyfriend!" I yell.

"Woah, someone's feisty. Are you on your ladies' days?" He asks me.

I brushed it off, knowing he was drunk, and I went to go find Oliver.

I pulled him by his arms and pulled him outside.

"We need to go." I tell him walking to the car.

"Why, babe?" He says.

"It's too loud and way too busy." We get inside the car, and I sigh a sigh of relief.

I look in my handbag for my keys. I put them in the ignition and realized something. I don't have my license.

It must've gotten stolen at the bar. My heart dropped. How are we going to get home? My heart thumped, and so did my head.

"Uh.. babe. We have a problem." I say, looking at him with fear in my eyes.

"What happened this time?!" He says.

"I-I must've lost my license at the bar somewhere. I can't go in now, it's too busy. I'll never find it. We'll have to come back another day and see if they found it." I tell him.

His jaw dropped. "So what are we gonna do now?" I stopped to think.

My heart jumped at the thought. I slowly looked up at Oliver, who is stunned.

"What? Stop ypure scaring me!"

"You're gonna have to drive." I tell him

He stopped abruptly. "What?! I can't!"

"You have to! It's the only option." I say, my voice cracking with terror.

Oliver takes a deep breath and stumbles to my side of the door. I cringe, watching him walk to the other side, knowing that's what's gonna be driving in a moment.

He gets in the car and starts driving. It was actually going pretty well. I don't know how, but he managed to get out of the parking lot of the bar.

It was even darker now than on the way there. I counted all of the street lights as we passed them. One light was burnt out. The bushes were neatly trimmed, and the swamps were a dark green.

We passed a few cornfields, the corn growing strong. The roads were narrow and creepy and winded past every corner. I slid my finger across the glass window, wiping all condensation from the cold night away.

I was terribly creeped out, so I started up a conversation.

"You know, Chase got a job at the lifeguard tower at Bondi a few weeks ago." I tell Oliver. His hand on my thigh.

"Cool." He scoffed.

"Oh, come on, babe! Be happy for the kid. He tried hard to get that position."

"Yeah, well, he also tried pretty hard to ignore all my texts and calls."

"You guys used to be best friends. I miss that. It was fun to go out together all the time."

He yanks his hand from my thigh. "Well, if you love him that much, you can go see him."

"No! I never said that, Oliver." I yell.

"Well, it sure sounds like it! You constantly talk about him!" He yells back. The conversation was getting heated.

"At least I'm not the one who cheated!"

"I never cheated on you! How dare you say that I was the one who cheated!"

"I saw it! I saw you at the beach with the other girl! Who was she?"

"You're such a liar!"


"For the last f*cking time! It wasn't me! And even if it was, you have n-"

"Oliver!" I scream, looking out of the windshield.

"-no proof! There is -"

"OLIVER WATCH OUT!" I scream, in fear.

He swerves the car. Then it happened. Everything felt light. It happened so fast that I couldn't even think. I heard the screeching honk from the semi truck in front of us.

We turned off the main road, and we were so busy fighting that we crossed on the right side instead of the left. The streets were quiet, but no one saw that semi truck.

I felt my seat buckle tighten and a shooting pain down my calf. I heard nothing. The sounds were numb, and all that was there was this high-pitched screeching sound.

I tried to help myself but I couldn't see anything. It was white. It was so bright, my head was pounding, and I couldn't get away from the light, despite me closing my eyes.

I was so scared and numb that I had no strength to cry. My face stung with pain and hurt, and I felt so helpless.

I fought as hard as I could, but eventually let go. I didn't know what else to do, and clearly, the adrenaline in my body was too much. Or maybe not enough.

Thank you guys so much for 1k views! Let's see if we can get to 1k likes!

-Mads <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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