Chapter 7 - Sister?

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I woke up from the worst sleep ever. I had to sleep propped up on pillows because of my shoulder. It's still so sore from yesterday, and the after effects of the green whistle are not fun.

The doctor said I can't go surfing or do any major physical activity for 3 weeks. What am I supposed to do all day if I can't go surfing?!

I trudge into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal. We finally have milk. I am not in a good mood today. No sleep and a super sore shoulder now in a sling are not good together.

Mouse's shift today isn't until later, so I assume he's still sleeping. Which is fine, honestly. He's too perky in the morning for my liking, especially on a day like this.

I eat my cereal, closing my eyes as the sun blinds me from the window. While thinking of what to do today, Mouse comes into the kitchen with a stained white PJ shirt and pajama bottoms.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" Mouse asks me. Again, way too perky for my liking.

I grunt, roll my eyes, and turn away.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Mouse says opening is eyes wide

"Ugh, it's not that. This stupid sling means I can't surf for a few weeks. What am I supposed to do?" I say, putting my head in my hands.

"3 weeks will go by fast. It'll be gone before you know it!" Mouse says, patting me on the back.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess." I say once again, rolling my eyes.


Even though I can't go surfing, I'd thought I'd join Mouse at work today. Maybe the boys and I could talk about something entertaining.

Once we arrive at bondi, we make our way up to the tower. Mouse hasn't got a shift at tamarama or Bronte in a while. I like Bondi better, though.

It's 1 pm now, so there's already quite a few guys on duty. Jake and Jesse were in the tower as Harries came to switch with Mouse.

"Hey guys," Mouse says. I smile

"Hey, bruv! Not to busy today on our luck, but there's quite a few surfers out." Jesse says, greeting Mouse and

I sigh, knowing I can't go out into the water. I rarely ever not go in the water. Avoiding it for 3 weeks, though? Impossible.

Mouse ran down south since they needed someone quickly. Or so I heard over the radio.

"Hey, kid! What's wrong with you?" Jake says, with concern on his face.

"I'm really upset I can't go surfing for a few weeks. What am I supposed to do?" I say disappointed. "I can't even throw and catch a ball."

I sigh and sit in one of the chairs resting my elbow on the desk.

"Yeah, that's tough, I know, but I'm sure that a lot of things you can do with just one hand!" Jake says back

"Like what?" I say, rolling my eyes, knowing there isn't a lot.

"Never mind, I'm gonna go and dip my toes in the water." I say.

I go to the edge of the water in between the flags. I dip my toes in the warm water. There's not much to do with just your feet in, so I sat down and dug for shells.

Just then, I look back up and see Oliver out in the water with a few friends. He playfully pushes a girl in the water. She looks just like him. Maybe it's his sister? Although I almost knew they were siblings, I felt a bit sad. What if it wasn't his sister? What if he was in love with someone else?

I don't know why I would even feel like this. We just met, and he definitely doesn't like me. I mean, I hardly know who he is. He only known me because I made a fool of myself.

I watch him get back on his surfboard, running his fingers through his hair. He's so cute. He's with another boy, he's got brown hair and hazel eyes. He was skinny and had hair like Oliver's. He was cute, too. I shook my head.

I haven't seen either of them in my school before, but I probably wasn't paying too much attention anyway.

They were both great surfers. I watched Oliver shred through the water on his deep blue colored surfboard. I felt a little sad that I couldn't go surfing. Everything reminds me of surfing, and being st the beach does not help any whether I have a choice or not.

Oliver sees me and waves. I instantly light up. I get so excited when he acknowledges me. He walks out of the water, his hair flows, and is also dark from the water.

He walks over to me with the other boy and the girl. I glare at the girl without her noticing. I pray that it's not his girlfriend. Oh God, does he have a girlfriend?

I snap out of my thoughts. "Hey Elizabeth! How's it going?" He says. I smile, feeling my cheeks go red

"Uh, g-good! How are you?" I say. Damn it. I can't even get a straight scentence out.

"I'm good. What happened to your arm?" He asks.

"Oh, uh, I dislocated my shoulder surfing the other day. No biggie." I say, trying to sound tough even though it hurt so bad.

"Wow. I'm so sorry. I was gonna ask if you wanted to go surfing with us, but uh, haha." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh! Yeah, it's a bummer. No surfing for 3 weeks." I say, looking over to the girl.

"My bad, I forgot to introduce you. This is my sister Kaylee and my friend Chase." He says, pointing to the both of them.

I sigh. What a huge relief. Although he still could have a girlfriend.

I wave at the both of them. "I'm Elizabeth. Nice to meet you guys." I say, trying to be polite.

Chase shakes my hand. My heart flutters, and my cheeks feel warm. His hand his strong and tan.

"We've heard quite a bit about you." Kaylee says. I can't tell if she's shy or snobby.

"Oh really? Ha.." I dont really know what to say. "Okay, well, I don't wanna keep you too long. You guys go have fun." I say waving them off.

I walk back up to the tower, feeling a bit better even though I still can't surf. Im deep in my thoughts when Jesse speaks up.

"Who was that?" He says winking.

I roll my eyes, kind of annoyed but laugh anyway. "Just a friend. I swear." I say.

"Mhm, sureee. I saw the way you looked at him!" Jake says.

"Would you two shut up! I don't like him, and besides, I just met him. Love at first sight isn't real. But if you tell Mouse!" I threaten

They laugh and roll their eyes. It's now pretty late, and I grab a snack from the fridge. Mouse walks in.

"Ready to go?" He says.

I look behind him, seeing Jake and Jesse winking and making smooching motions with their lips.

I give them the finger and walk to get my bag. They just laugh.

I wonder if Oliver likes me back. I'm having second thoughts. Chase is cute, too. Ugh, being a teenage girl sucks!

Sorry for the sucky chapter. I promise it will get better! Please star and comment! I wanna know what you guys think. And sorry I haven't been posting. I'm soooo busy.

-Mads <3

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