Chapter 17 - Caught, Again.

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I sit in my bedroom, not knowing what to do. It's 2am in the morning and I can't sleep. I know I talked back to Maxi, but that is how a conversation works. And he should be happy! I'm the one who saved the baby. I'm never appreciated around here.

My phone goes off. Message from Babe (aka Oliver). I open it.

Oliver: Babe, I have a great idea.

Me: What is it?

Oliver: Want to meet up?

Me: Baby, I can't tomorrow, I'm grounded.

Oliver: I know. That's why we should meet up now. You can sneak out and come over to my place.

I stopped. Sneaking out? I don't do that. But I do want to see Oliver. And if I go now, Mouse won't find out, right? I mean, you only live once.

Me: Idk, that's a really bad thing to do.

Oliver: Pleaseeee it'll be fun! No one is home, so they won't find out.

Me: Fine. I can't sneak out through the front door, though, Mouse will hear.

Oliver: You're on the first floor, go through the window. It's not like you can fall.

Me: You'll be amazed at how clumsy I can be.

I debated. Should I do this? I unlocked the window and opened it slowly, looking back to make sure Mouse didn't hear me. I felt excited. And nervous.

I closed the window behind me and walked down the street. I had nothing but my phone. Oliver's house isn't too far from me, so I could sneak down the road and make it in less than 10 minutes.

Me: Okay, I'm outside. See you soon 😘

Oliver: Yay, okay!

I walk down the neighborhood and find Oliver's house. There were no cars in the driveway. Sigh of relief. I walk up the driveway to his door.

I put my hand up to the door like im about to knock, and then the door opens. It's Oliver. Well, what did I expect?

He pulls me in and slams the door, and locks it before smashing his lips against mine passionately. I was shocked for a second before dropping my phone and kissing him back.

He puts his hands on my waist and pushes me against the wall. I tangle my hands through his hair, taking breaths in between kisses. He picks me up and carries me upstairs to his room, still kissing me as he does.

He lays me on his bed and takes his shirt off before I take off mine. He pulls off my pants, and I take his off with my feet. It's dark outside and inside his room, except for the street lights outside shining through the window.

"You're so hot." He says, breaking away.

"Right back at ya." I say back. 

He presses his groin to mine, and I let out a small moan.

He unclips my bra and sends kisses down my body. My body shivers as we take off our underwear. He goes to the drawer and pulls out a small silver packet.

He enters me slowly. I knew it was wrong, but it felt so right.


I woke up the next morning in Oliver's bed. I had no clothes on and assumed he didn't either. He was sound asleep rolled on his side.

A Bondi Dreamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن