Chapter 16 - Don't Choke

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I come into his house and close the door.

"You alright there?" He asks with a "what the hell just happened. " Look on his face.

"I need to see Tullie now. PLEASE!" I yell

"Chill! Yeah, she is upstairs in her room in the middle." He replies, still confused.

I push past him and run up the stairs to find Tullie. I see her sitting on her bed.

"Tullie! You gotta help me! Please." I say, panicked now.

"Are you okay? What is going on?" She says, frantic.

"No! Well, technically, yes. But no!" I say.

"Elizabeth. Calm down and tell me what happened." She says.

I close her door and sit on her bed. A tear drips down my face.

"What is going on, love? Are you in danger?" She asks, sitting up on her bed to face me.

I sniffle. "No, I'm not in danger. Listen, there's this boy. His name is Oliver, and I met him a few months back. He's super cute, and I've had the biggest crush on him." I say.

"Omg, that's amazing!! Why is that bad?" She asks.

I take a deep breath before continuing. "I kissed him." I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"What! I'm so happy for you! The first kiss with a boy is always the best. I still don't understand. Why are you upset? Did you not want to kiss him?" She says.

"No, I did! I've waited forever. But Mouse. If Mouse found out I kissed him, he would KILL me! What do I do?" I sob.

Jesse walks into the room.

"What is going on?" He asks.

I look at Tullie, and she nods at me.

"There's a boy named Oliver I met a little bit ago, and I've liked him ever since, right? Well, basically, he kissed me tonight. And I may or may not have kissed him back. And I mean, it was great and all, but how do I tell Mouse? Do I just not? Should I hide it?" I tell Jesse.

"Uh. Well.. from what I caught, you need to tell Mouse. It's not that big of a deal. If anything, it's a good big deal! You're 17 years old. You've had to have had your first kiss sometime, right?" He says

"Yeah, he's right. If you don't tell Mouse he'll find out eventually, they always do. Then you'll be in trouble for lying." Tullie adds on.

"Yeah, you guys are right. But I still don't know how to tell him? What if he hates me!" I say.

"He's not gonna hate you. And if he raises his voice, remind him that you told the truth and he'll be happy. And if anything happens, you call me." Jesse finishes.

"Okay, I'll try my best. Thanks, guys! Got to go! Bye." I run out of the room.


I slowly opened the door to our apartment. I dropped my bad and walked into the living room.

"Hey! How was it?" Mouse asks.

"Uh.. good, I guess. But I need to talk to you." I say, taking a seat on the couch.

"Funny, I have to talk to you as well." He says

Uh oh. Am I in trouble? If not yet, I will be soon.

"Well, I did something with a boy today. And if you kick me out, I understand, and I'll fend for myself. And if you hate me for life, I understand that, too." I sobbed

"You kissed him, didn't you." He says, sighing.

I take my head out of my knees and look up at him.

"How did you -" I started.

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