Chapter 10 - Dad

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(That's the inside of Chase's house, by the way.)

I stand in the darkness. It's been about 10 mins since I left. I decided to walk to the tower to see if anyone was there.

The doors were locked, and the shutters were down. I sat down and cried. How could Mouse yell at me and then kick me out?

That doesn't even sound like him. But it does sound like dad. I mean, I know they are related, but still. It felt like the world was collapsing around me in darkness, I didn't even care for my safety right now. I just wanted love and security, and to know Mouse meant none of that.

I felt a hand on my back. I jolted up, scared.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, relax." Jesse kneels next to me, his keys, connected to his belt, clanking against his leg.

I relax down with my back against the tower and my knees up. Tears continue to spill over.

"What goin' on? Why are you out so late?" Jesse whispers as he sits next to me.

"I went with a friend and his sister and I was an hour and half late on accident because my phone died and I had no track of time and I walked in the door and Mouse just went off on me and I've never heard him yell that loud, he sounded just like dad and then he told me to get out and he didn't tell me where to go or what to do, and it's pitch black outside, and he doesn't even care about me or my feelings, and the tower is locked which was my only hope and I DEFINITELY can't go to Chase's house I would be in more trouble than I already am and I like this boy but he's kind of a bad kid and Mouse doesn't know I like him and I don't even know where he lived and I just dont know what to do anymore." I sobbed.

"Shh. Relax, sweetheart. You said Mouse yelled at you for losing track of time while out with a boy?" He says, his voice is soothing, like Mouse's when he isn't shouting his entire lungs out at me.

"Yeah. And it sounds worse than it is, I promise." I say, wiping my tears away.

He sighs and looks around.

"Here, why don't you come home with me, and we'll figure something out. No arguing." He says while helping me up.

"Ok.." I say while sniffling and getting up.


"I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't ruin your night." I say to Jesse, worried.

"Nah, Tullie is out with friends, so it was just me anyways." He says, pulling out his phone.

I explained everything to him, and he was fuming. Partly that I was an hour and half late home when I knew I would get in trouble, but mostly about Mouse.

"Alright, give me a second. I'm gonna call your brother." He says, tapping my knee and getting off the couch. I nodded

Jesse's Pov:

"What?" Mouse says on the end of the line.

"Are you actually kidding me right now?" I say, dead serious and stern enough, so he knows I'm not playing around.

"What do you mean?" He says.

I was raging at this point.

"WHAT?! Your sister was at the empty tower SOBBING because of you, you d@mn drongo!" I say.

"Mate.. did she tell you what she did?" He says. I was surprised he wasn't yelling back. I couldn't tell if he felt bad or not.

"Yes. She did. But that does NOT give you the right to yell at her like that. She is a 16 year old girl, not a perfect princess who doesn't do anything wrong. And don't tell me you never did something like that as a kid!?"
I yell.

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