Chapter 12 - A Chance Missed

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I woke up later on in the day in a hospital bed. I looked around, and everything seemed okay. There were no plasters or heart monitors.

Although it was reassuring knowing I hadn't died. My head was pounding, and my back ached. I looked over to my left and saw Mouse sitting on his phone.

"Oh my God, you're awake!" He says, scooting his chair closer.

"Yeah... what happened?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" He had a worried look on his face.

"No, no, I do. I just wasn't sure if I missed something. I mean, I know I passed out and hit my head, but what else?" I ask.

"You passed out?" Mouse asks.

"I mean, I started having an anxiety attack on the water." I put my head down.

He lifts my face up with his index finger.

"Lizzy, is something going on?" He asks.

I wasn't sure myself. Was it Oliver? Was it that I went surfing behind his back? Was it about the fight we had? Chase? Jesse? What was it!

"No! I mean, yes? I mean, I don't know!" I throw my ams up in the air in frustration.

"Hey hey, it's alright. Well, figure this out together. Why were you going surfing and didn't tell me in the first place?" He asks.

Oh bugger. What do I say. Quick. Think!

Just then, a nurse walks in. Saved by the bell.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?" The kind nurse asks.

"Um, not too bad besides my head and back." I say.

"That's good. Well, we got x ray results, and lucky for you, you've got no broken bones, just a mild concussion and slight paraspinal brusing. A few days in bed rest, and you should be just fine." She smiles warmly, then nods at Mouse and walks out of the room.

"Mouse, I'm so sorry. If I tell you the truth, you have to promise not to get mad!" I say.

"What did you do!" He says.

"Mouse! Promise me." I say back.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I promise I won't get mad." He takes a deep breath.

"I was uh um out with a-a f-friend. H-his name is Oliver. I met him at school and we became best friends." I say.

"He invited me to go surfing so he wasn't bored." I continue

Mouse sighs.

"I'm not happy with you. But I'm just glad you're okay." He leans in for a hug.

I hug him tight. That went much better than I thought. We were hugging for a good 2 minutes before another nurse came in.

"Excuse me, Miss Elizabeth Jenkinson. You have a visitor." She says.

I give Mouse a look. He nods and walks out with the nurse. A few seconds later, Oliver walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Oliver!" I sit up quickly, the blanket on my legs.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Elizabeth!" He comes over and hugs me.

We hugged. I loved it. It was warm and welcoming with a bit of empathy. I didn't want to let go.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks, looking at my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt a little dizzy in the water and fell over and hit my head. Mild concussion and slight para-spinal brusing. Nothing major, I promise." I tell him.

His beautiful blue eyes had a look of worry and admiration. I gave the look back. Just without the worry ;)

"I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. I should've been there to help." He says

"No! No. Do not blame yourself it was not your fault at all. If anything, I feel bad that I ruined our time. I always ruin everything." I turn my head to the side, feeling tears build up.

"Hey. Look at me. It's okay. I promise. I'm just glad you're okay." He says. His voice is calm and soothing.

We stare into each other's eyes. His eyes are alert and soul searching.

Everything about the moment felt right. I stare down at his soft, pink lips, then make my way back into his eyes.

He takes my hand that is resting on the side of the hospital bed and holds it in his. My breath hitches.

There's butterflies, heart skips, and hormone expolsion. Everything and anything that could go right is going right.

Then he breaks away.

"I need to get going. I'll text you, I'm so glad you're okay, Lizzy." He says, getting up and walking toward the door.

I nod lightly. He turns around and looks at me one more time before walking out of the room.

What just happened. I thought he was going to kiss me?! I should've known, I'm too naive. I wanna go home.


I finally got discharged a few hours later and was sent home to bed rest. I thanked everybody for the get well wishes and layed on my bed.

The lights were off except my fairy lights above my bed. The TV was playing Who's The Boss, and I lay on my back thinking about what could've happened if he kissed me and why he didn't.

Maybe he has a girlfriend. Maybe his mom won't let him date. Maybe the moment wasn't right. Maybe he doesn't like me, and I read the signs wrong.

What was wrong? Should I have gone in first? What about Mouse? Would that be betraying him? Would he have permanently kicked me out?

So many things wandered through my brain, and I couldn't process any of it. So many questions about so many things.

The only thing snapping me from my trance was the dinging of my phone. I sighed and rolled over to get it.

2 messages from Mouse
1 message from Jesse
2 messages from Oliver
1 message from Chase


Mouse: Do you need anything, sweetheart?
Mouse: We have leftovers if you'd like.

Me: No, I'm okay. Thanks anyways.


Chase: Hey Lizzy! I heard what happened! I'm sorry that happened to you, it must be rough. I heard you're doing okay so i don't want to bother you too much. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the hospital, I was out with my dad when I heard. Oh, and Dendy says hi.

Me: Hey Chase. Yeah I'm alright. It's not too bad, just a mild concussion. And don't worry, I was only in for a few hours. Tell Dendy I said Hi back. <33


Jesse: Hey! How are you doing? Any better? Thought'd I'd check in :)

Me: I'm alright, Jess. Thank you.


Oliver: I hope you're doing okay! What are you doing?
Oliver: Hopefully, you heal quick.

I swiped the tab and turned off my phone. I couldn't bare to talk to him tonight. I'm too upset.

And he didn't even bring up walking out so fast? What the hell.

I turned off my fairy lights and pulled my duvet up, turned over, and went to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Oliver all night long.

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