Chapter 15 - Finally

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After dinner and cake, Jesse, Koby, Tullie, and Jethro all said there happy birthdays, goodbyes, and left.

"Today was a great day. Thank you so much, Mouse." I say.

"Of course, I wanted to make it special. You deserve it." He says back.

"Your 50th birthday is in 2 months. I'll make that special too." I say.

He laughs and slap me on my back.

"Yeah, yeah, try 20 years younger." He rolls his eyes.

"Only 20 years? Coming up quick." I say.

"Oh shut it." He laughs.

"What are you gonna do now?" He asks.

"Idk, if Emma wants to hang out, I'll go over there, but I may just hang around." I say, he nods.

I go back to my room and check my phone. There's a message from Oliver. I smile and open it.

Oliver: OMG LIZZY! I got home late from baseball practice. I'm so sorry. Happy birthday!!! I know it's dark, but do you wanna meet up down at the beach or something? We can sit and talk if you want?

Me: No problem! It's not a big deal. I was busy today anyway. Yeah, I'm sure I can! I can ask my brother if you'd like.

Oliver: Yeah, that'd be great. I have a gift for you, by the way :))

Me: Aw, stop it. You didn't have to

Oliver: Of course I did! Go ask

Me: Okay, okay, I'm coming

"Mouse, my friend Oliver asked me to meet up at the beach with him he has a gift for me. His sister may tag alone, too. Can I go?" I ask

His sister wasn't coming, but it makes him say yes easier. Work smarter, not harder.

"I guess. Just please be careful and make sure your phone is charged. I'd say be back preferably before 10pm if you're out that late." He says.

"Mouse? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" I go over and feel his head.

"Haha, noo. It's your birthday, go have fun. Just not too much fun." He says

"And there it is." I throw my hands up and laugh.

I run back to my room and tell Oliver.

Me: I can go! I have to be back by 10 pm but that's fine. Meet up at Bondi? The beach is technically closed, but it's alright if we're safe ;)

Oliver: Yay! Yeah, meet me there.

Me: Cool, see you soon.

I fill a bag with a few things, like towels, surfbaord wax, etc. I know Bondi Beach is dangerous, whether it's day or night, but screw it. You only live once.

I fix up my hair, put on some chapstick and mascara, and head out. I love going to Bondi when it's dark.


I arrive at Bondi, and no one is there except a couple of late night runners and Oliver, of course.

"Omg, the water!!" I run down to Oliver.

"Oliver!" I say.

He turns around.

"Look at the water! Its bioluminescene tonight, " He says.

"I love it!" I squeal.

"Happy 17th birthday. You're so old now." He says

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Says the guy who's gonna be 18 in 6 months." I laugh.

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