Chapter 11| Praises & Rumours

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Inara's POV:

As three weeks passed by in a blink of an eye, I found myself exhausted from the project and frustrated by Ahaan's presence. The usual reasons.

But amidst the chaos, a curious series of events unfolded: each morning, I discovered a heartfelt letter and a steaming cup of hot chocolate waiting for me, occasionally accompanied by a bouquet of carnations.

Initially suspecting Iaan, a confrontation left us both awkwardly puzzled as he denied involvement. Now, torn between exhaustion and curiosity, I'm determined to uncover the source of these mysterious gestures, bringing unexpected solace to my days.

If it isn't Iaan, who could it be?

Mira's sharp snap of her fingers right in front of my face broke through the haze of my thoughts, her voice cutting through the fog of distraction. "Did you forget that you and Ahaan are presenting next?" she queried, her tone a mix of concern and impatience.

In that moment, reality crashed back in, and a wave of anxiety washed over me as the weight of our impending presentation settled heavily on my shoulders. How could I have let myself forget?

Glancing over at Ahaan, I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration. There he was, lounging as if without a care in the world, leisurely munching on a bag of chips. His nonchalant demeanour grated on my nerves, especially considering the gravity of the situation.

With determination burning in my chest, I made a silent vow to address his cavalier attitude. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, I resolved to give him a piece of my mind, ensuring he understood the importance of our upcoming presentation and the need for us to be fully prepared.

"Seriously, Ahaan? We're on deck to present, and you're munching on chips? We need to get moving," I exclaimed, annoyance creeping into my voice.

He shrugged, holding out the packet. "You want some?"

I waved his offer away, trying to quell the rising frustration. As the team ahead of us exited the stage, my heart raced, and my palms grew sweaty with anxiety. I struggled to catch my breath, feeling a surge of panic wash over me. It was now or never, and I had to push through the nerves to deliver our presentation.

As I took a long breath to relax myself, I felt a hand holding onto mine. Startled, I looked to see Ahaan gripping my hand firmly. I tried to pull away, but he held on tighter.

Together, hand in hand, we walked to the stage, the entire batch watching us, their eyes filled with curiosity and amusement. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as whispers and giggles filled the air, probably spreading rumours by now, amplifying my anxiety even more.

As Ahaan whispered his attempt at reassurance, a surge of anger rippled through me. I shot him a death glare, unable to believe his audacity. Nevertheless, as he began presenting, his reassuring glances did help to ease my nerves slightly, though my anger towards him remained palpable.

Twenty agonizing minutes later, we somehow managed to finish the presentation. As we descended from the stage, our team and the judges seemed impressed. A sense of relief washed over me, but I couldn't shake off the lingering irritation towards Ahaan for his antics.

Then, one of our professors approached us, praising our performance. "You both have done an excellent job! I am extremely proud of you both, especially you Inara, you have spoken well, and Ahaan, you're not bad either but require improvement." he commended, patting Ahaan's shoulder. Despite my annoyance, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. I flipped my hair towards Ahaan, who merely scoffed.

With a sense of accomplishment, I made my way towards Mira, embracing her in a warm hug, too overwhelmed with happiness to utter a word to Ahaan.

"I am so proud of you, Inara," Mira exclaimed, her smile mirroring my own. The weight of the project's success lifted off my shoulders, relieving me of the three months of stress I had endured.

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