Chapter 6| Proposal

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Inara's POV:

The past few weeks have consisted mostly of me studying my ass off for my tests and AHAAN, this monkey of a guy who apparently just can't get his nose out of my business. I feel so bad for his future wife.

I also got closer to Aira and her brother, Vivaan. Who seemed like very nice people. But, for some reason, Mira does not like them. Like AT ALL. She doesn't really give a reason either, I guessed it was just her being jealous because i spend most of my time with them in college.

After classes, I was studying in the library peacefully when I suddenly heard a voice too familiar by now.

"What's up, cutie?" I swear to god this guy has no other job--too nosy for his own good. And somehow, he always manages to get good grades while roaming around the whole time .I tilt my head towards his direction. "Thought you'd say kutti instead of cutie."

I start with fake amusement, evident in my voice."You've learned manners, lil guy." I'd found out recently that this guy was 2 months younger than me, and I then just decided to cling onto this piece of information as if it was a trophie.hence the nickname.

I see his eyes widen for a second only to go back to their normal non-chalant stance considerably quick. I take a glance at my phone for the time as I decide to just ignore his existence for now.

Shit. it's 2 already, I'd planned to meet up with Aira and Vivaan for a simple hangout at the noodles place close to our University since all our schedules lined up.

"Woah woah chill, where's 'Miss two months older' running to like that? " Ahaan comments as I quickly stuff my things into the tote kept near me.

There is not a single day this guy fails to bring out my anger issues, I tell you.

"Not that it's any of your business but unlike someone here, I actually have a very enjoyable and productive schedule that includes a fairly nice social life, which I look forward to." I say with all the sass and sarcasm in me "so please excuse me" I bring my tote bag upto my shoulders and walk --more like brisk walk-- out of the library, the fresh summer air and humidity slapping and carresing me at the same time.

"Someone's looking fine." I walk up to the twins as Iaan looks me up and down as if checking me out. "Sorry I'm late," I state with slight guilt."There was a slight hindrance in my way."

"Don't sweat it ,we've just gotten here too," states Aira with a smile. I swear to god that if I was a guy, I would not hesitate to make a move on her.

Even though they are twins, Aira and Vivaan have very different physical features. While Aira has more of a soft look with her dimples and almond shaped eyes, her brother has a more bold look, he doesn't have any dimples and his eyes look like those of a feline to be honest. That doesn't make him any less attractive. He is quite an attractive man.

We all start chit-chatting as we enter the restaurant. For a noodles shop located in the middle of a typical Indian town, they had that East Asian authenticity and somewhat of a Japanese touch.

They had chairs set up right in front of the counter for the customers who had most probably come alone from where you could see them making the noodles, the steam from the pots rising up to the exhaust fan. they also had square and hexagonal tables for groups.

We took a seat at one of the square tables, taking up three chairs and using the fourth one as a bag holder.

We start skimming through the fancy menus. After we decided on what we wanted. We called a waitress and told her our choices. She slid inside the counter and into the kitchen to probably tell the chef about our orders.

As i cought Iaan staring at me, There is a pause in our conversation.

"Soo, how's freshman year been for you, Inara?" Questions Aira to break the silence, which was not really awkward but still uncommon.

I registered the question towards me. "it's going good, I guess," I say, breaking into a sheepish smile, "but there's this one guy who can't seem to get enough of annoying me both directly and through his grades."

They both give each other a knowing look. But there was something different in Vivaan's eyes. Anger? Jealousy?

"It can be like that sometimes, I guess. There's a guy like that in our class, too." Aira stated.

I'm not gonna lie, but they kinda sounded like my parents or older siblings at this point. They give me the kind of feeling I got when I used to play with Ihaan back home.

Even though I got into my dream university, I still miss home. Ihaan, Bhabhi, Mumma, and Papa.

"I'm going to take a quick bathroom break." says Aira as she stands up and heads towards the direction of the washroom.

Ahaan's POV:

After Inara literally ran from me. I couldn't help but smile at her silliness, She looks really good today, even though she is wearing casuals, her clothes don't make her pretty, she makes them pretty- Wait, what am I thinking. I brush it off and exit the library, getting a book I wanted right before.

The scene outside the library was just like any other day.
Students, people ,animals, and basically everyone doing their own thing.

Suddenly, my stomach does its own thing, I hear grumbling as if there was demolition going on inside. Deciding not to starve myself any longer as I already had skipped breakfast because I overslept.

I decided to enter a small food place around the University outskirts to find somewhere to eat. I'm strolling past this extraordinarily aesthetic street, and I spot a noodle shop, which made my taste buds tingle.

Guess it's noodles for today. I think to myself as I enter the restaurant. It has a distinct vibe to it, plus it smells real good in here, which makes me want to eat here.

I look around the place. I've never been here before, considering the fact that I always eat with Zahir at the same restaurant all the time, or maybe most of time, becuase these days he is head over heals for his lady. As he should be.

I guess it's not surprising. As I'm taking in the interior slowly again, I notice something - someone. I walk closer to see IT IS her, and she's sitting with Vivaan? Why is she with that egg? Are they on a date? Oh hell no, this is too unsightly of a sight. I think to myself. As I'm now close enough, I get to hear their conversation.

"Inara , I know we both have only known each other for about two months now..." Vivaan starts and then trails off .
No wayyy?! HIM?!

I look at Inara, who now looks as confused as I felt. Suddenly, etching shifted in me. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and maybe that's why, but I went straight up to their table. and said...

"Inaraaaa! Meri Jaan! I missed you"


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