Chapter 1| That's My Seat

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~Inara Yadav ~

I looked around the lecture room, some people talking and laughing, some reading,some on their phones, here I was, finally at my dream university .

Being from a middle class family, I had ambitions, very big ones at that, some of them were getting fulfilled right now and I was enjoying every single moment of it . I decided to stop day dreaming and entered the room , I went to the back as I spotted a perfect seat from below i reached the seat and as I was about to sit but some random guy,decided to take my seat!

'Saala kutta' I thought to myself as I poked his shoulder.
He turned his head towards me ,"Excuse me, I was about to sit here ." He took his bag off the seat next to him and patted the chair.

I am actually using all my patience right now. "I had my eye on this seat first, so you should be the one moving." He looked at me with an 'are you dumb?' expression .

He plugs in his earphones when I kept on asking him to move. This guy is testing my patience, I hit his head.

This time. he got up and yelled, "What do you want, Ms. Nuisance?" This guy really needed to know his limits, by now people started staring, and its not like I'm going to back down, I yelled back "Mr.mannerless you need to respect other people and you are being an absolute asshole right now", we had an intense Stare, I could see his chocolate brown eyes glow in anger but I was not going to back down.

The lecturer entered, yet we didn't stop glaring. The lecturer called us forward, but we were too egoistic to look away ,we had to be forcefully taken apart. In my mind, I kept yelling at him.

The lecturer made us stand in front of the whole class and started "Such kind of childish behaviour is completely unacceptable in this institution, I should be punishing you both but as it is the first week of classes , I am gonna let you both off make sure this is the last time . " We both nodded our heads quietly . This is so infuriating .Why would somebody be so stubborn ?

As soon as the lecturer finished talking to us, I raced to that seat . He gave me an 'Are you serious ?' Look. I just stuck my tongue out ,how relaxing . The rest of the class went smoothly except for Mr.mannerless, interrupting me before I could answer the questions asked in class . Seriously! Born to be a disturbance for sure.

The bell rang. I sprang out of the back door of the classroom , and I have a spare period next . Which meant I have more time to go over my study material.

While walking to the school garden , I bumped into someone, and we both dropped our stuff. I looked up and saw the most gorgeous lady I had seen in my entire life. Her looks were immaculate.

The sunlight spilling on her through the windows at the perfect angle, her brown hair, arranged in perfect curls . She had on a beautiful pink kurti to top it off .

"You're so pretty" the phrase just slipped out of my mouth .
I burst into apologies as I realised what I had just blurted out . I picked all her stuff up and stood up to give them to her only to find her in a fit of giggles .

"Is something funny? " I asked her utterly bewildered at why someone would laugh after bumping into someone. "I-I'm sorry, it's just. You're just so cute" she managed to say through her giggles .I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Such a pretty girl complmenting you is no joke .

I found out her name was Aira and that she was a second year in my major. We started up with some small talk and then parted our own ways.

I reached the garden and opened my new laptop, Papa had bought it for me because I was finally going to my dream university. I opened a blank Word document and started typing all that I learned in my previous lecture . I had developed this habit ever since twelth class, and it really helped step up my academic game.

I saw notification popping up from Instagram, and it was written, "@ahaxnn.a has sent you a follow request." I was a bit hesitant but decided to accept it.

After studying for 45 minutes, I started thinking about the start of my day. "Did I say too much to that mannerless guy? mehhhh, maybe not."

I looked at the time .oh shit it was time for my next class.I rushed to the classroom where I was supposed to have a class. The rest of the day went by in a flash . I reached my dorms ,exhausted from my first day.

I freshened up and got into bed .I thought I'd scroll for a while . Just then, I received a text on Instagram from the same account that had sent a follow request earlier.

"Heyy Ms. Nuisance, I'm Ahaan😉"

Then realisation hit that it was the same annoying guy from earlier.

I - "Do you want me to report you? Don't you have anything better to do?🙄"

A- "Chill chill mg, you really need a chill pill, btw i heard a rumour that you like me"

I- "I'd rather kms than having any feelings for someone like you. It's better to like a pig!"

A- "Feisty! But you are just proving the rumours true😏"


I see the word 'seen' pop up right under my message. And NUH UH, nobody can leave me on seen and that too in such an intriguing situation...



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