Chapter 10| Get out

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Ahaan's POV:

As I gently opened the window, there she was, Inara, swathed in her duvet, lost in the embrace of deep sleep. Each time I laid eyes on her, a silent prayer escaped my lips, a plea to fate for her to be mine.

Drawing closer to her, I couldn't help but be captivated by her serene beauty. She exuded a warmth that transcended mere appearance, a beauty that resonated from within.

"Inara," the words spilt from my lips, a confession of the love that had blossomed over the past months. My heart ached to hold her close, to cherish her like royalty, to be hers completely. With a tender kiss upon her forehead, I poured out my emotions, hoping she would someday be mine.

My gaze drifted to her outstretched arm, a habit of hers to sleep like a starfish. Adorning her wrist was the bracelet I had gifted her, its hidden symbol of my affection known only to me.

Surveying her room, I couldn't help but notice the rows of neatly organized books adorning her shelves. A plan formed in my mind to recreate her sanctuary in my own home in Jaisalmer, transforming my study into a library worthy of her collection.

For one day, if fate allows her to grace my household as my wife, I vow to honour her as my goddess, to cherish and adore her for all eternity.

Inara's POV:

Startled awake by the incessant beeping of my phone's alarm, I groggily reached out to silence it, my annoyance growing with each chirp. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I squinted towards my study table, my vision still blurry from just waking up.

As I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision, a figure came into focus, and to my utter disbelief, it was Ahaan. Panic surged through me as I tried to comprehend why he was in my room. Before I could vocalize my shock, his hand swiftly covered my mouth, silencing any potential outcry.

"Good morning, beautiful," he greeted, his tone oozing with arrogance. I couldn't suppress my anger and instinctively bit his hand, but he remained unfazed, the jerk. Finally releasing his grip, he seemed amused by my irritation.

"Why are you in my room? Actually, scratch that, why are you in my house?" I demanded, my frustration boiling over. His chuckle grated on my nerves as he retorted, "You didn't seem to mind when I was in your room, making out with you. You quite enjoyed it," he added, sporting that infuriating smirk.

I seethed with rage, unable to come up with a suitable response. All I wanted was to wipe that smirk off his face permanently.

"Shut the fuck up and get out of my house," I spat, my fury barely contained. His nonchalant demeanour only fueled my anger further. "Are you returning to Delhi...for university?" he casually inquired, blatantly ignoring my words, the nerve of him.

"Why do you care?" I shot back, my contempt palpable. His answer only served to confirm my suspicions. "I care because I need competition for the University Topper award. Without you, victory wouldn't be as sweet," he explained smugly.

It dawned on me then, his intrusion into my room, and his attempts to seduce me were all part of his ploy to secure the top spot. I refused to let him manipulate me or steal my dreams.

Before the situation escalated further, a knock at the door interrupted our confrontation. "Ahaan, leave, or there will be consequences," I warned sternly. Without hesitation, he slipped out the window and vanished into the morning air.

As bhabhi entered with my coffee, her warm smile offered a momentary reprieve from the chaos. After urging me to hurry and get dressed, she left, leaving me to ponder the mess that was my morning.

With newfound determination, I vowed not to let Ahaan sabotage my dreams. Today may have started off rocky, but I refuse to let him get the best of me.
Dressed in the Olive Green Anarkali, a choice insisted upon by my mother the day before, I couldn't help but feel like I was owning the moment.

As I descended the stairs, the anticipation of my family's reaction loomed. Their compliments were like music to my ears, except for my mischievous brother Ihaan, who had a knack for teasing. His comparison to a frog earned him a well-deserved death glare from bhabhi.

Ihaan's driving took us swiftly to the temple, where the serenity enveloped me like a warm embrace. Each visit felt like a spiritual recharge, a moment to connect with the divine and find solace in the sanctuary's tranquillity.

Amidst the rituals for the health and growth of the to be new member of our family. my mind wandered to my own future.

The sight of their happiness ignited a longing within me, a desire to experience the joys of parenthood myself. Though I adore children, the thought of incessant crying brings a momentary pause to my enthusiasm.

Yet, the prospect of becoming an aunt fills me with anticipation. Witnessing my parents' excitement at the prospect of grandparenthood fills me with warmth, a prayer silently whispered to keep this familial happiness eternal.
As I sat on the bed, my mind replayed the whirlwind of recent events, each one more surprising than the last. From Ihaan's unexpected proposal to the heated make-out session, and now my bhabhi's pregnancy and Ahaan's sudden appearance, it felt like a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

But amidst the chaos, one thought nagged at me: Ahaan's seemingly random intrusion. How did he even know where I lived? The possibilities raced through my mind - perhaps through Mira, or could he be an alien? The absurdity of the latter thought brought a momentary chuckle, but in this whirlwind of events, nothing seemed entirely impossible anymore.

Feeling the mounting pressure of my upcoming final presentation and the strain of being away from my team, I couldn't help but let out a sigh. With three weeks left until the big day, the stress was already weighing heavily on my shoulders. I knew I had to act fast.

Summoning my resolve, I decided to have a heart-to-heart with mumma and papa. Despite my reluctance to leave the warmth and familiarity of home, the urgency of returning to Delhi was undeniable.

I needed to be back with my team to collaborate and prepare for the presentation. As much as I disliked the idea of leaving home, the necessity of the situation left me with no choice but to take action.


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