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I really, really hate to be annoying lovies, I am certainly aware of my very annoying self asking for this almost every damn chapter, but some requests would really be appreciated since your girl can not think of ideas for the life of her and I want to update more often than I have recently been doing 😂 I've already done a one shot like this before, but as I said. I have no facking ideas on what to write 😆


"Those fucking bastards." You snarled furiously to yourself, slamming the tabloid onto the table in rage.

Of course, if there were any wankers that lived off of stirring up a massive stigma about innocent people's private lives, it was the press. Queen had developed a love hate relationship with them over the years of their career, but as for you, you could only hate them after the outrageous nonsense you had just read in 'The Sun'. 

Normally you didn't bother to read whatever preposterous bullshit those invasive and heartless vultures honed in on, they didn't even know what the people they gossiped about were truly like anyway so it was nothing worth looking at, but when you saw the article had been written about Freddie, you couldn't help but see what grand lies they were spreading about him this time. 

Needless to say, it was nothing good.

They were criticizing almost everything about him. His looks, his flamboyant persona, his bisexuality, so much more. You boiled with anger upon seeing how they cruelly mocked your boyfriend, he was quite misunderstood and you knew that he was nowhere near the arrogant, overly promiscuous prat the press were obsessed with making him out to be.

"I wonder if he's seen this stupidity yet...I should give him a call and check on him." You thought to yourself, biting your lip as you went to your telephone and dialed in his number.

"H-Hello?" A wavering voice answered shakily, grabbing your attention.

"Freddie? Are you alright?" You asked in concern, not anticipating to hear him sound so upset.

He'd been the subject of those horrible tabloids before, and while it did succeed in pissing him off, he usually waved it off and didn't let it get to him. He seemed especially upset now, which was unlike him.

"You won't believe me if I say yes, will you?" He chuckled sarcastically, a sniffle in the background giving away that he wasn't alright at all.

"I'm guessing you read the article then?" You frowned, wishing he was with you so you could comfort him.

"It would be hard for me not to." He croaked, making your stomach drop at how miserable he sounded.

"Are you at garden lodge right now?" You questioned.

"Y-Yes, why do you ask?" He responded, seeming taken aback at your question.

"I've got a sixth sense that tells me when I need to go see you, and it's telling me that this is going to be one of those times." You said simply.

"I'll see you soon then I suppose." He sighed, hanging up.

You got in your car and drove to garden lodge, knocking on the door lightly.

Peter answered the door, a tight smile on his face.

"Oh, hello Y/N. Nice to see you." He greeted as he let you in.

"You too...Where's Freddie?" You inquired, shutting the door behind you.

"In his room...There was an article written about him that didn't exactly have the nicest things to say, so he's not particularly in a good mood." The P.A said quietly.

"Yeah, I saw that bullshit. It'd be nice if they could stop targeting good people and poking their noses into their personal business for once." You could feel yourself getting angry again on Freddie's behalf.

"H-Hello darling," You looked over Peter's shoulder to see Freddie who had just come down the stairs, though his red eyes and slightly strained voice made your heart break.

"Hello yourself." You spoke up, going to the Persian and wrapping him in a hug, feeling him return the embrace tightly as he clung onto you with need.

"I'll give you two some space." Peter said politely, exiting the room as you slowly pulled apart from Freddie and led him to the couch. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked softly, holding him close as he rested his head on your chest, laying in between your legs.

"I-I can't stand when they do this...when they write those asshole things in the papers about me. Th-They always depict me as some sex obsessed monster a-and you know I'm not like that." He squeaked, his tears dripping onto your shirt as you rocked him gently.

"I know baby, I know you aren't anything like those shit heads say you are. Anyone who's ever had the pleasure of knowing you would know that, and as your girlfriend I know that better than anyone." You whispered, kissing his head softly.

He sniffled, your chest muffling his cries as you frowned.

"Is everything okay? I mean I know it's obviously not, but you don't usually let these assholes get to you like this." You pointed out worriedly, massaging his back soothingly.

"I-I'm just scared...I love you so much Y/N a-and I get worried that you'll start thinking of me as the heartless bastard those fuckers say I am a-and you'll leave me." He whimpered.

"Freddie, look at me." You sighed.

He tilted his head and gazed up at you, your eyes meeting his.

"All these years we've known each other, I have never once cared about what people thought about you. Anybody who says anything negative about you is saying the biggest lies imaginable. You know how I feel about you honey, you're so important to me and I will always, always love you." You said sincerely, squeezing his hand for reassurance.

"I love you too." He smiled tearfully, sitting up and resting his forehead against your own.

"Y-Y/N?" He spoke again hesitantly, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Yes love?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Would you, um- Would you maybe want to- to move in with me...? It was just a thought-"

"I'd love to." You beamed, kissing him lovingly.

He kissed back quickly, blushing as the two of you broke apart.

"I love you, darling."

"I love you too, sweetheart." 

The end.

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