The words of love

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STOP BEING SO SEXY FREDDIE PLEASEEEEEE 😭 I CAN'T HANDLE YOUR PERFECTION JUST STAWP IT ALREADY- I can literally hear who wants to live forever playing in my head now- 

Yeahhh so the very first chapter I wrote for this book was where Freddie asked the reader to marry him and then they got engaged soooo this is the extremely late wedding chapter that I could have just made a year ago but of course I didn't think of that- 

Count on me to look back on (myself and sayyyy I did it for loooove...) my old chapters and conveniently get ideas for sequels after making them- Only me- Well, my writing has improved massively since I first began writing this so that's always a plus-

TW: S M U T 


It was a year after Freddie had proposed to you, and in just a week was your wedding. The day you and Freddie would officially become partners for the rest of your lives. You couldn't wait until you could finally call him yours forever and he could call you his. 

You looked down at the shining engagement ring on your finger, wishing for the time for it to be replaced with a new ring to symbolize your eternal bond with the man you loved so dearly to hurry up. 

"Oh babies, daddy's home!" Freddie called from downstairs, and you could hear meows as your many cats hurried to see your fiancé.

You put a robe on and went downstairs, seeing Freddie sitting on the floor playing with Tiffany and Oscar.

"Yes my loves, I missed you all so much! Where's mummy?" He pouted, scratching gently underneath Tiffany's chin. 

"She's right in front of you." You snorted, earning his attention. 

Freddie smiled at the sight of you and placed Tiffany down on the ground, walking over to you and kissing you soundly.

Your eyes went slightly wide at the action, though you gladly kissed him back and wrapped your arms around him.

He hummed and pulled you closer, the two of you slowly breaking apart for air.

"That was quite the greeting." You chuckled, burying your face in his neck.

"Wait until you're my wife, you'll get even better greetings." He murmured, making you shiver at the thought.

"I can't wait until then." You said softly as he picked you up, heading for the bedroom.

He laid you down on the bed and climbed on top of you, kissing you again with need.

You grinned into the kiss as you reciprocated it, staring up at him in awe of his adorable chocolate brown eyes, his durable cheekbones, his perfect nose, his beautiful face, everything there was about him.

"Why do I have a feeling this is all we'll be doing on the honeymoon?" You snickered as he undressed himself and then you.

"Because it will be." He smirked, diving back down to kiss you as he slid a finger into you gently.

"Freddie..." You whimpered, exhaling shakily as he added two fingers and took them in and out repeatedly.

"I love you so much, Freddie." You whispered.

"I love you too dear." 


You stared at your reflection in the mirror, unable to believe the happiest moment of your life was minutes away.

Naturally Freddie had planned a large and grand wedding, but thankfully there were no paparazzi around and the guests invited were family, the band and other close friends. 

You inhaled sharply and looked yourself down head to toe, praying that everything would go right. You wouldn't fall flat on your face while walking down the aisle, Freddie wouldn't change his mind about during the vows and that nothing bad would happen.

"Y/N? It's time." Your father said softly, tearing up a bit as he took in your appearance. 

You nodded, prepared to meet your fate as you linked arms with your father and walked down the aisle, scanning the area for Freddie.

There he stood in front of the priest, in a stunning black tuxedo and you would never forget how gorgeous he looked in this moment. 

His eyes locked with yours, both of your orbs glistening as you stood in front of each other.

You could hardly make out the priest's words as nerves and anticipation took you over, holding Freddie's hand tightly for reassurance.

He squeezed your hand, taking out his vows.

"Y-Y/N, there is no one on this earth that makes me as happy as you do, I never thought that I'd meet someone who understands and loves me like you do, but when I did, I knew I wanted you in my life forever. I know I sound like some sappy old tart right now, but I mean it when I say that I love you with all my heart and there's nothing that could ever change that darling." He said softly, starting out strong though his voice wavered at the end of his speech.

"Freddie, my life changed for the absolute best when I first met you. Sure, you can be more dramatic than a child sometimes, but you can also be shy, sweet and earnest and I feel like only I really get to see that side of you. We've been together for six years, and the only other way I'd be willing to have this relationship is for it to become a lifelong marriage which starts today. I love you more than anything and the greatest blessing I could receive is to have you as my husband."  You smiled through your tears, the both of you crying as you slipped his ring onto his finger and he put yours on your finger.

"Do you, Y/N L/N, take Freddie Mercury to be your husband?" The priest asked.

"Of course I do." You said softly, never having said anything so quickly before. 

"And do you, Freddie Mercury,  take Y/N L/N to be your wife?" 

"Y-You bet your ass I do." Freddie giggled shakily, making you and everyone else in the audience laugh.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

Within an instant Freddie was holding you tightly in his arms as you kissed him passionately, the crowd erupting into applause. 

A sob of joy escaped you as you pulled away slowly, staring into each other's eyes. 

"Thank you for marrying me." Freddie croaked into your ear as you swayed back and forth in an embrace.

"Thank you for asking me to marry you." You smiled, resting your forehead against his.

The end.

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