These are the days of our lives part 2

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Awwww he looks so shy and adorable here 🥺 his cuteness is unmatched I think god went a little overboard on his beauty when he created him 😫 I felt like making a second part of the these are the days of our lives one shot I made a few chapters ago, so here we are! 

Enjoy lovies :)


Several months passed after you admitted your pregnancy to Freddie. You'd recently found out you were going to have a girl, and the two of you were overjoyed with excitement. 

Of course, carrying a child had its challenges, you weren't allowed to eat or drink certain things and you were much more moody than before. You'd cried more than you could previously count, almost anything that upset you could trigger it. 

The other day, you'd lost a scrabble match to Freddie and literally bawled, taking a page out of your husband's drama book. Freddie couldn't help but laugh, though he was very considerate and supportive about it otherwise and would always help you feel better whenever you got upset. 

"What's got you smiling so much?" You chuckled fondly, walking into the bedroom as you dried your wet hair with a towel.

"Your beauty for starters, and the fact that we're going to be parents in just a few months." He grinned, standing up and latching his lips to yours.

You rolled your eyes but kissed him back.

"Oh please, all I have is this towel and I still look like a whale!" You groaned.

Freddie frowned, shaking his head.

"No, all you have is that towel and yet you still look like the most beautiful woman on earth." He countered, leaning in to kiss you again though you backed up instinctively.

"Y-You're just saying that...I-I mean look at me I'm fucking hideous! I really don't know how you haven't divorced me!" You wailed, feeling utterly pathetic as you broke down for the countless time of your pregnancy, making you feel really irritated at your hormones for making you so emotional.

Freddie just shook his head and took you into his arms, tracing slow and circular patterns on your back. It did help calm you down a bit, though the dreaded tears kept falling.

"None of that's true darling, I've never known anyone as ravishing as you...I know your mind may be tempting you to think otherwise, but I say this with entire honesty when I tell you that you are the most gorgeous person I've ever met." He said softly, kissing your forehead.

You sniffled and looked up into his eyes, his dark, stunning eyes that were filled with love and adoration for you as he began wiping and kissing your tears away.

"I-I'm sorry...As much as I love our little one, she's turned me into a damn crybaby." You snorted humorlessly, letting out an inaudible sigh.

"Y/N don't be sorry, you know you can't help it. You'll be back to your cheery self soon." Freddie smiled sweetly, picking you up without warning and gently sitting you down on his lap as he made himself comfortable on the bed.

"Oh come on, I'm too heavy!" You yelped, though you did crave your husband's tender affection. You'd been very sensitive about the intimacy shared between the two of you, but you knew it had been far too long since you had stopped worrying about your insecurities and let him look after you.

"But I want cuddlesss," He pouted, looking at you with those annoying but yet so adorable puppy dog eyes. Oh, why did he have to be so cute...

"You are my weakness, Freddie Mercury." You sighed in defeat, carefully moving over so he could spoon you.

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