Lazing on a sunday afternoon

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I'm trying to update as much as I can to help myself feel better so kindly feed me requests darlings lmao. Enjoy!


You awoke to the sun flashing out the window, groaning as you rubbed your tired eyes. 

You felt exhausted from working so hard the previous night, you wanted nothing more than to just stay home and relax with your boyfriend. 

Soft and muffled snores were emitted next to you, coming from Freddie who was fast asleep and cuddling you gently. He practically stole the blanket which was wrapped around him like a cloak, and he certainly didn't seem like he wanted to get out of it.

You squealed quietly at the sight of him and kissed his forehead. The tip of his nose was just exposed, his mouth right up to the blanket which covered the rest of his body. His long hair was messy and unkempt but still looked beautiful as ever, his hair was always one of your favorite things about him.

He hummed and slowly stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering a bit as he let out an adorable, kittenish yawn.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," You chuckled, tapping his nose playfully.

"Morning dear, did you sleep well?" He murmured tiredly and rolled over to your side, burying his face in your neck. 

Your heart warmed at his sweetness. He was always checking on you, always making sure you were okay.  As far as you were concerned, that man was a literal angel.

"I did, clearly you did too since you robbed me of the covers." You teased.

"So my cuddles weren't satisfactory enough for you?" He pouted dramatically.

"They were, I bet they would've been better under the blanket." You groaned.

"You could've always slept on top of me, I wouldn't have minded." He smirked, making the both of you giggle at your playful banter.

You sighed to yourself in happiness, sitting up a bit and observing Freddie again, admiring all his captivating features. You smoothed out a strand of hair that was slightly over his eye and kissed his cheek, making him look up at you and blush.

"Why are you staring at me darling?" He asked quietly, snuggling further into the embrace.

"Because you're perfect baby, I could list everything about you that's perfect." You smiled, rubbing his back.

"T-Tell me." The singer mumbled, looking down at his lap. 

Freddie could be one of the most confident people you'd ever met, his stage presence was larger than life and he always had faith in himself and the band musically, but you knew his shyness kicked in a lot and he needed reassurance about himself sometimes.

"Where to start...your eyes are so gorgeous, they're so full of life and I love how even though they're brown and dark, they always really light up when you're happy. I love your cheekbones that are so strong it's surreal, I love your long black hair that's so silky and soft, I think it's obvious how much I like playing with it. I love your jawline and neck. There's no way of elaborating on how much I love your voice, it's so strong and beautiful and though you're not far in your career, I know you'll do such great things in the future. I really love your teeth Freddie, I know that might be hard for you to believe but they're so amazingly stunning and I will gladly fight anyone who thinks otherwise." You said seriously, earning a small but precious laugh at your comment while you continued.

"I love your sexy body, literally everything about you is sexy as hell. I do enjoy your sassiness, you have your moments when you can be a wanker but when something's wrong you make that clear and fight for what you believe in, which I admire massively. I love your kindness and caring for all your loved ones, you're the nicest person I've ever met and you deserve the entire world, sweetheart. I will NOT go into details about certain parts of you, so don't ask me." You narrowed your eyes at him who whined.

"Oh come onnn, you know you love my cock, it does wonders for you." He grinned.

"I'd love it more if you hadn't just said that." You grumbled, making him gasp in fake offense while also fighting off laughter.

"I love everything there is to love about you Freddie, I could name even more things if I wanted to but I just wanna make sure you know how infatuated I am with you and I will never leave you." You said softly, taking away his beloved blanket and laying it over the both of you as you curled into his chest.

His eyes were a bit teary as he hugged you closely, his hands rubbing up and down your hips.

  "Th-Thank you Y/N, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He whispered, pressing a kiss to your neck.

"What would you like to do today?" You asked, laying your head on his chest.

He shrugged, looking at you with the usual loving and caring face he gave you.

"We could play scrabble, cuddle, fuck...perhaps all three but in the opposite order." He smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"No thanks," You snorted, rolling your eyes.

"Pleaaaase?" He begged, a pout on his face that always made you weak.

"You're lucky I meant everything I just said about you being the cutest thing in the world." You sighed dramatically.

"Yay!" He chirped, looking down at you smugly with a triumphant look. 

You rolled your eyes fondly at his cuteness and kissed him, your lips moving against his own which were gentle and soft. 

He kissed back, lightly laying you down on your back as you rubbed the back of his neck with your fingers.

"My love?" He whispered, tracing gentle patterns on your arm.

"What is it angel?" You asked, shivering a bit as he continued the tender touches.

"I love you." He smiled, his teeth showing as his eyes held the same love and sincerity the rest of his face did.

You wanted to see that sight every moment of your life and never look at anything else.

"I love you so much beyond words, Freddie." You replied breathlessly as he kissed you again.

"You've certainly made that clear." He giggled, sending butterflies to your stomach.

"And I'll gladly do that again whenever you want." You chuckled.

"As lovely as that'd be, I'd rather return the favor now." He said, holding your hand and kissing it.

Your cheeks flushed as he proceeded to make love to you, telling you all sorts of things he loved about you in the process.

Afterwards you followed his plan and played some rounds of scrabble, cuddling for the rest of the day.

The end.

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