Hyuk smiled at him and put them next to Ba Reum, unfolding a nice brightly coloured light blue shirt.

"You like the colour?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum looked at the man in surprise. Was he going to get even more new clothes? Wasn't that a little too much?

"Ba Reum clothes there?" the little said again, pointing to his backpack and feeling unsure about what was happening. Hyuk frowned a little at him, and the little shrunk in himself, knowing that he had done the wrong thing.

"Why don't we try these ones out first. If you don't like them, we can still change. Is that okay for you?" Hyuk asked, having seen the clothes in the backpack and not thinking that the little would be feeling too comfortable in them.

By now, he had enough an idea of Ba Reum that he understood that the little might be feeling a bit weird because of Hyuk's generosity, and that it was perhaps part of this problem.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, guessing that mommy could just do what he wanted. He didn't really care too much about which clothes he had to wear, as long as mommy was happy.

And Hyuk seemed happy with the answer, giving him a big smile that made his insides squirm with happiness when he realised it was him that had caused him. Ba Reum smiled shyly back, cramming three fingers in his mouth the deal with the feeling.

His eyes widened when mommy pulled his fingers back out of his mouth but before he could anguish about having done something wrong, there was already a paci in his mouth and mommy started to unzip the sleeper.

A quick pat on Ba Reum's crotch, and Hyuk verified that the diaper was still dry. Not wanting to leave the little in the cold too long, he quickly put the shirt over his head, before unfolding the overalls. They were grey and soft, and decorated with a little yellow digging machine, and a little pocket on the front. On the sides, light blue buttons were visible, just like on the drop seat.

Hyuk pulled them over Ba Reum's legs and then lifted the little and put him on the floor so he could get it over his diaper and then the straps were put over the shoulder and fasted with another set of light blue buttons.

"Well, don't you look pretty now," Hyuk said with a smile.

"Ba Reum do?" the little asked in surprise, never really having thought that he was pretty.

"You do," Hyuk said, trying to not frown when he noticed Ba Reum's toes curling in pleasure of that statement. His bare toes. Darn, he had forgotten to buy socks for the little. Trying to keep his displeasure at himself out of his facial expressions, he patted Ba Reum's head.

"I forgot your socks in my room," Hyuk said, quite sure that Ba Reum's were going to be all threadbare as well, and he knew that threadbare socks just weren't fun to wear, "I'm afraid I didn't get any with fun colours."

"Mo...mommy got so much for Ba Reum," the little said, tripping up over the word a little, and looking at Hyuk to make sure it was okay that he said it.

"Nothing more than you deserve," Hyuk said, thinking it was still a whole lot less then he wanted to give, but he didn't want to overwhelm the little either.

Taking Ba Reum's hand, he took him to his bedroom, through the side door of the nursery, and went to his own sock drawer.

"Let's see, we got greys, and blacks, and whites," Hyuk said, "oh, and these. They are boring black, but they at least have a blue stripe on them. You like those."

"Yes, mommy," Ba Reum said, not even looking at the sock, but being distracted by the front-pocket on his overall.

Hyuk smiled at the little, and kneeled in front of him, which pulled Ba Reum's attention. But it was clear what the big man was doing, easily grabbing Ba Reum's foot and putting a sock over it, before doing the same with the other. They were a bit on the bigger side, but all in all it was okay.

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenWhere stories live. Discover now