Chapter 18

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"I brought some snacks," Dong Koo said when Ba Reum opened the door for his friend, who was holding several bags.

"You shouldn't have," Ba Reum said, secretly pleased to have some snacks. Evenings when his friends came over for video games were his only source of the crips and sodas, and he loved it.

"Nah, it's no fun without, and you're already providing the space," Dong Koo said, putting the bags on the counter and with a grin he took out a packet, "I even got Choco pies,"

"Oh, I love those," Ba Reum said, and was happy when Dong Koo immediately opened the package and offered him one.

Even though he already had sweets earlier today, Ba Reum could not resist his favourite treat, trying to eat it slowly so it would last longer.

"I brought out some blankets," Ba Reum said, like usual keeping his heating low to save money. Cuddling underneath the blankets would provide enough heat, especially with the three of them.

"Great," Dong Koo said, just when the bell rang, and Chi Kook arrived as well, and soon the three of them had several snacks installed in front of them while they layered the blankets over them.

Chi Kook wasn't really cold at the moment, but he knew that if both he and Dong Koo would refuse a blanket, that Ba Reum would be uncomfortable taking one for himself. And Chi Kook had felt his hands at times, always so cold.

He tried not to think too much about how little he knew his friend ate, thinking that it was a big reason in always being cold.

"I wonder what we're going to do in church group this Sunday," Chi Kook said, his fingers busy on the controller and his gaze fixed on the screen.

"I heard Father Ko talk about raising money for a homeless centre," Dong Koo said, "I guess we'll either brain storm, or he has something in mind,"

"It's fun," Ba Reum said, taking a crisp, and smiling, "I like helping out people,"

"It's always good to help," Dong Koo agreed, taking a handful of the crisps himself.

"Mom is cooking a big dinner again this Saturday," Chi Kook said, "she would love if you guys would come over,"

"Oh, awesome," Dong Koo said, "I love homemade meals,"

"I can't," Ba Reum said, his eyes wide and slightly panicked, "oh, I should've mentioned it,"

"Don't worry about it," Chi Kook said, even though he was taken by surprise. Normally Ba Reum was always free in the weekend. Oh, he sometimes went for walks and stuff he could do for free, but he never had *plans*.

"So, what do you have planned?" Dong Koo asked, looking curiously at his friend.

"Ah, well...I got a sleepover," Ba Reum said, his face flushing, his voice barely more than a whisper "with a caregiver,"

"You're first sleepover," Chi Kook said, feeling happy and proud of Ba Reum to make the step. It had been clear the little was having difficulty with it, and so far he barely had mentioned his caregiver out loud, so it was nice to know that it was all going well.

"Second," Ba Reum muttered, his fingers fiddling with a hole in the blanket, "but this time I'm going to take unicorn as well, otherwise she'll be lonely,"

"That sounds like a brilliant idea," Dong Koo said, and Ba Reum was still looking unsure at his friend, but calmed down again when the subject turned to their games.

His headspace was still something he was afraid to bring up with his friends, no matter how supportive they seemed to be. They still didn't realise just how bad he got when he was small, and they would be so embarrassed to be seen with him when they realised that Ba Reum couldn't even hold his own bladder.

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