Chapter 15

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It was a weird feeling Ba Reum was now experiencing. He was beyond embarrassment while he peeled of his wet pants, ashamed to have wetted himself while he was big in Hyuk's car.

On the other hand, he was also feeling...good? He didn't really know how to explain the feeling he had, but he could still remember the lingering hugs and how happy he had been when the man had told him he was good.

But how long would it take for Ba Reum to do something to fuck it all up. No one wanted to stay with him, not really, not once they got to know him better. Even with his friends he didn't dare to show just how small and needy and whiny he got when he was in headspace.

But what did he have to lose by going to the caregiver?

Nothing, right?

But if he got used to the man, if he felt like he belonged and then he would leave Ba Reum, then he would have to face yet another rejection.

"Don't think about it," Ba Reum said, going in the shower, "go to it without expectations,"

Nodding to himself, he cleaned himself, remembering the soft touches of the man, careful to not agitate the rash that had formed during the last time that Ba Reum was in his headspace, hiding in his closet, sitting in his own piss because he wasn't capable of doing anything.

Getting out of the shower, he tied a towel around his waist while he looked at his watch, wondering why he hadn't gotten his usual alarm that told him to go pee.

Frowning, he saw that they were all turned off, and while his hair dripped, he quickly re-installed it, hoping that his watch wasn't going to give out.

"He seems to be in a good mood?" Moo Chi said, seeing prosecutor Ji entering his offices.

"You think?" Ha Neul asked, looking at the man and seeing the same frowny face as usual, before the door closed.

"Yeah, I do. Don't you see it?" Moo Chi said, not able to pinpoint why exactly Ji looked a little happier than usual, but the man just did.

"Well, don't get yourself in a twist, you got to go to your new crime scene," Ha Neul said, "go to your teammate,"

"I'm going to the old fart," Moo Chi said, getting up and walking to his nearly retired colleague. The two of them weren't exactly fond of each other, Moo Chi wanting to get everything done, and the other man just wanting to be calm until he retired.

"Try not to get into trouble this time," the man said with a sigh, making Moo Chi shrug.

"No promises, but perhaps prosecutor Ji misses me," Moo Chi said.

"Oh please give me strength," his colleague muttered, and off they were.

Hyuk had a feeling as if a weight had lifted from his shoulders. Just a day with a little and it seemed like colours were more vibrant and his stress had melted away.

Ba Reum was just the sweetest thing he had ever met, and the little had been adorable and from what he had seen just perfect for him. And now he was even going to get a chance to proof it this weekend.

But before that happened, there were some things he needed to arrange. First things first was to call the police school, to see that the horrible teacher wouldn't have any changes anymore to destroy young minds.

"Prosecutor Ji, I expected you to call," the director said.

"Well, not to beat around the bush then, what has been decided?" Hyuk asked, keeping his tone strict, not wanting them to think that he was going to be forgiving in this particular case.

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ