Chapter 19

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"Why don't you come in Ba Reum?" Hyuk asked, looking at the little hugging the dirty unicorn close. He bended down to pick up the laptop, glad to notice it had missed the puddle.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, still feeling a little put out. Hyuk smiled at him and put his hand on the small of his back to guide him inside the building. Ba Reum let himself be guided, still making sure that he was holding unicorn close by.

"Why don't we get unicorn washed, together with your reserve clothes," Hyuk said, putting the laptop on the table, "are the clothes your wearing dirty?"

"No," Ba Reum said in a soft voice, still holding unicorn close.

"Can I have unicorn?" Hyuk asked in amusement, thinking the little probably barely realised he was holding it.

"Oh, right," Ba Reum said, flushing and handing the plushie to Hyuk, his arms suddenly feeling empty "she can't stand high temperatures though, needs a wool wash,"

"Of course," Hyuk easily said, suddenly seeing Ba Reum freeze up.

"Need to go toilet," the little said, nervously shuffling his legs, "please,"

"Yes, right. There is one right here," Hyuk said, opening the door to the guest toilet, "take your time. I'll put everything in the laundry machine,"

"Thank you," Ba Reum said softly, and quickly hurried in the small room. He had felt his watch buzz, and after that debacle just before, he really didn't want to have an accident in front of the other man. It had been bad enough to have the cops make such a fuss already.

Pressing as hard as he could, he was annoyed when no drop seemed to be able to come out. Sitting there, he could already see why. The wet stain in his underpants was more that visible, and he tried to dab it dry with some toilet paper.

Pulling his undies back on, he shuddered when the cold wetness touched his genitals, and after checking the crotch of his pants, he pulled it up as well. Luckily, he only owned pants with a dark fabric, where it was harder to spot if he had a small leak.

Leaving the toilet, he stood awkwardly in the hallway, still wearing his coat. Ba Reum didn't know if he was supposed to go search Hyuk or wait for the man. By now, his head was really going fuzzy, and he could feel himself get closer to his headspace already.

"Ah, there you are," Hyuk said, poking his head in the room, and smiling at Ba Reum, before it changed into a frown. Ba Reum shrunk in himself when he saw the look change, wondering if the wet spot on his pants was visible.

Nervously, he grasped the bottom of his coat, and tried to pull it a little lower.

"I'm sorry," Ba Reum said, feeling tears gather at the corner of his eyes.

"Now, what are you sorry about?" Hyuk asked, stepping closer and resting his large hands on Ba Reum's shoulders, slightly massaging them.

"You mad?" Ba Reum asked, and Hyuk frowned even harder, before shaking his head.

"No, I'm not mad. Why do you think I'm mad?" the big caregiver asked.

"You smiled and then gone," Ba Reum explained, "it's gone when you look at Ba Reum,"

"Ah, I was just seeing you were still wearing your coat, and that it was a bit wet," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum looked down and seeing the wet spot.

"Oh," he said, trying to rub it off with his hand, but Hyuk stopped him.

"Let's just leave it be," Hyuk said, "so, what do you want to do first?"

"Me?" Ba Reum asked, frowning, not having expected that he would need to decide on an activity, "uhm, ... I ...uhm,"

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