Chapter 28

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Hyuk loved the way Ba Reum had been slowly waking up, especially when the little seemed to be instinctively snuggling closer to him.

A smile widened on his face, and he couldn't help but encourage too little to wake up some more, eager to spend the day with him.

"Can you show mama your pretty eyes?" Hyuk asked, hearing the sucks on the paci quicken.

He never expected Ba Reum to sit up so quickly, his eyes wide.

"I am terribly sorry," the little said, and Hyuk looked at him confused.

"You're sorry, sweetheart? For what?" Hyuk asked, looking at Ba Reum. He seemed to be in his big headspace for the moment. Ba Reum looked at him, his eyes getting possibly even wider and there was definitely fear in them.

"For...for waking you up," Ba Reum said, looking away from Hyuk "and for calling, uhm, calling you..."

The little felt his voice leave him before he could say it out loud. Would it enrage the man? Would he tell Ba Reum that he was stupid for noticing Hyuk wasn't a mommy?

"It's okay. The storm was very scary. You can always call mama when you're scared," Hyuk said, tentatively approaching and putting a warm hand on Ba Reum's cheek.

Ba Reum blinked at him, surprised to see the lack of anger and hearing the man call himself mama.

"You're not mad?" Ba Reum asked, confused.

"I'm not," Hyuk simply said, smiling even though he was sad that Ba Reum so easily thought that he would get mad at such silly things. Hyuk knew that it would take a while before that fear disappeared completely, but he would make sure of it.

"Why?" Ba Reum asked, still staring at Hyuk, not daring to move.

"Why would I? You did nothing wrong," Hyuk said, "why do you think I need to be mad."

"I woke you up, in the middle of the night," Ba Reum said, "I shouted and shouted and shouted until you came."

"Yes. Like I said, the storm was very scary, and you just needed someone to tell you it was safe," Hyuk explained, already happy that Ba Reum wasn't running away from him now.

"And calling you mommy?" Ba Reum asked, still barely able to fathom that he was not in some kind of trouble.

"That's your parental name for me. It's adorable," Hyuk said, a smile on his face, "I must admit, I expected a daddy or a papa, but mama or mommy is wonderful,"

Ba Reum couldn't help but stare at the man, who gave a sigh, and suddenly he was enveloped in those strong arms, his face squished against the chest.

"You did nothing wrong. Everything is okay, and I'm not angry at you," Hyuk said, his voice slow and clear, "are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I am okay," Ba Reum said, "you really don't mind me saying mommy?"

"No, I don't," Hyuk said, smiling at Ba Reum, "I was feeling so anxious that I wouldn't get a parental name at all, and mommy is something special, right?"

"It is," Ba Reum shyly admitted, feeling his cheeks warm up.

Hyuk released the hug and smiled warmly at the blushing little.

"Do you want to stay big, or go little again?" Hyuk asked.

"I would like to go little again," Ba Reum said shyly, it still feeling awkward to admit to wanting to be in headspace. But Hyuk didn't seem to mind. The man was nodding and smiling while he got out of bed, and Ba Reum was about to follow him when he suddenly felt himself start to pee.

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenWhere stories live. Discover now