Chapter 5

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"Half time?" Hyuk's boss said, looking at his application, "as a prosecutor?"

"Yes, I just find that I would do a lot of my tasks better if I had more time off," Hyuk said, his voice calm and reasonable, "if you can't accommodate, I can still quit,"

"Quit?!" the man asked, looking faintly in panic at the suggestion, knowing how short staffed they were, and Hyuk was not only very qualified, but he also really had all the connections to get things done. And the detectives were actually afraid of him, which helped to keep them in shape.

"Yes, I know it's rather drastic, but at a certain moment, a person has to put himself first," Hyuk said.

"Well, I'm sure we can accommodate you," the man said, "we'll keep you where you are, and distribute your tasks a little more amongst the other prosecutor's,"

"I really appreciate this," Hyuk said, nodding to the man, and feeling relieved when he left the building.

It was true that the work was getting a bit too heavy, but there was another reason he wanted to work half time, and that was why instead of going home, he went over to Tae Il and Hye In, the couple already ready to join him to the shops.

"So, the big day, right?" Hye In asked when she got in the front seat of the car, looking exited for her friend, and especially helping him spend some money he had, "the house all build and finally moving out from your dad?"

"Yes, it is. He's been trying to be happy for me," Hyuk said, "but he's a bit sad that I'm moving out,"

"It's understandable, his only son," Tae Il said, "just keep on visiting him often. Even if you get a little to be busy with,"

"Or a boyfriend," Hye In supplied, making Hyuk roll his eyes, not really successful in that aspect.

"Well, once the nursery is finished, I'm going to go to the little agency and see if there is someone special for me," Hyuk said, feeling excited at the prospect of having a little, "we need to make it gender neutral though, and I've already searched for a decent carpenter to make a crib,"

"You really have it all planned out," Tae Il said, looking at his friend in affection, Hyuk nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I do. Can't wait until I got my own little baby," Hyuk said dreamily, "oh, we need to get diapers as well, and perhaps some toys,"

"Well, it's your money," Hye In said, grinning at Hyuk, while Tae Ill shook his head, knowing that they were in for one hell of a shopping trip.

"I think you should get a caregiver," Dong Koo said, visiting Ba Reum, who was still surprised when his friend had gifted him a television, stating that there wasn't enough entertainment in Ba Reum's house.

Chi Kook had given a second-hand PlayStation three with a whole bunch of second games. They had played the whole evening, and Ba Reum had been so overwhelmed that he had slightly slipped into headspace.

His friends hadn't mentioned his slightly clumsy behaviour and addled speech, but they had coddled him, even when Ba Reum desperately tried to not slip any deeper.

"Why?" Ba Reum asked, feeling defensive. He hated changes, and he didn't trust people to treat him right when he was in headspace.

He knew that there wouldn't be a caregiver willing to really put up with him and his too young headspace. Even when Chi Kook asked if he should come over to babysit a few times, Ba Reum had always blocked his caregiver friend off.

"First of all, I've seen the packages, and I know you're taking too many blockers," Dong Koo said, and Ba Reum looked guilty, but he needed it. He needed the security that he wouldn't just drop into headspace at some moments, "that's very unhealthy, and someone who's with you might help you feel more stable,"

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant