Chpter 26

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The ice cream took a lot longer for Ba Reum to finish than it did for Hyuk, and afterwards Hyuk needed a washing cloth to clean Ba Reum's face.

"Thank you," the little said softly, and Hyuk couldn't help but smile warmly at him.

"You're welcome," the caregiver said, going to sit next to the little and putting his arm around the man. Ba Reum took that as a cue to snuggle against the big man, who was nice and warm.

His thumb slid into his mouth and his attention was pulled by the television, but it didn't take long before his eyes started to droop. Ba Reum was an early sleeper, needing the extra hours seeing that he stood up a few times in the night to go to the toilet, always alerted by his watch.

Now, sitting still in the cozy warmth made him feel so sleepy, and with a groan, he hugged his unicorn a little tighter while he tried to settle himself better against the source of the heat.

"I think it's bedtime," Hyuk said, looking down at the nearly sleeping little in amusement.

"Mmh," Ba Reum answered, seemingly not capable of much more.

"Here, let me help you," Hyuk said, getting up and Ba Reum nearly fell from the couch once his support was gone. The little gave a whine when his source of warmth was gone, and immediately lifted his arms.

"Back," Ba Reum said, resisting the urge to cry. Crying would only make Hyuk not do the thing he wanted, his parents had taught him that.

"It's okay. Here, let me pick you up, and then we'll go to the kitchen to make you a bottle," Hyuk said, lifting Ba Reum who looked at him with a frown, still clutching his unicorn.

"A bottle?" the little asked, letting himself be lifted by the caregiver.

"Yes, a nice bottle for your tummy, so you'll sleep nicely through the night. I think it's best after your story," Hyuk said with a smile while he walked to the kitchen. He set Ba Reum on the counter, right next where he made the bottle.

"A story?" Ba Reum asked.

"Yes, a story. That's perfect for sleepy time," Hyuk said, a warm smile on his face while he took out the bottle and the special little formula he had bought, and suddenly looking surprised when he saw tears dripping from Ba Reum's eyes, "oh, sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Is okay," Ba Reum said, wiping his tears, and trying his best to stop, but it was difficult.

"It doesn't look okay. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Hyuk asked, wondering if he had done or said something wrong.

"It's stupid," Ba Reum said with a sniffle.

"Why don't you let me decide that," Hyuk said, putting the bottle to the side in favour of going to stand in front of Ba Reum, his hand against his cheek, "can you please tell me?"

"The story," Ba Reum muttered, unable to look away from the caring man, the warmth of his hand against his cheek soothing.

"Yes?" Hyuk prompted, wondering if he had bought a book that Ba Reum disliked.

"No one ever read to me," Ba Reum muttered, his cheeks flushing at that confession. The only stories he had ever got was when he managed to sneak down the hallway and sit in front of his brother's door while his mom had been reading.

It was always risky, seeing that if someone found him doing it, he would get hit, or locked in the closet again, but it was nice to hear someone tell a story. He always missed the endings though, seeing that he had to sneak back before it was finished.

"Well, let's start a nice new habit now," Hyuk said, trying his best not to frown at that knowledge. It didn't surprise him, but it was sad to imagine Ba Reum when he was a child, bereft from all warmth and kindness.

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