Chapter 25

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"Dinner is ready," Hyuk said, making sure to give Ba Reum a smaller portion this time. He didn't think the little would be extremely hungry, not with having a big lunch and a snack, but the big man was still determined to make sure the little had enough food in him.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, taking his seat on the table, and already grabbing his sippy cup tightly. Hyuk smiled at the adorable sight, and put the plate in front of Ba Reum, before grabbing the bib.

Ba Reum stared at the portion in front of him, which was luckily smaller than his lunch, but still seemed like a mountain of bell peppers, their scent wafting up. Tucking the spout of the sippy cup in his mouth, he slowly drank, glad for the taste of apple juice.

The moment he took it from his mouth, Hyuk took the opportunity to tie the bib around Ba Reum's throat and went to sit, starting on his own food, while Ba Reum was just staring at his.

"Here, let me help you a little," Hyuk said, taking up the spoon, just like he had done this lunch, "open wide."

Ba Reum really couldn't do anything else than do what he was told, opening his mouth and closing it around the spoon until the food was in his mouth and the taste exploded in there. Chewing slowly, he reluctantly swallowed.

Before Hyuk could give him another spoon full, Ba Reum crammed the spout of his sippy cup back in his mouth, drinking deeply, and glad when part of the taste was erased by the drink.

After every bite the little drank from his cup, until finally, to his distress it was empty. Another spoon was held in front of his face, and Ba Reum looked at it with apprehension. By now, his tummy felt so bloated with all the food and drink in there, and the thought of putting some bell peppers in his mouth without anything to mask the taste made him feel nauseous.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" Hyuk asked, a bit alarmed at the way that Ba Reum was looking at the spoon. So far, the little had been eating well, even if he had been drinking a lot. It was true that the little hadn't been drinking a lot in the afternoon.

"Uhm," Ba Reum said, his gaze landing on Hyuk's face. At lunch, mommy hadn't been mad at him for not being able to finish his plate. Not when his tummy was full, so perhaps, he would mind now either.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Hyuk asked, lowering the spoon and looking intensely at Ba Reum.

"Tummy full," the little said in the smallest of voices, looking at Hyuk with apprehension. It almost hurt the caregiver to see the look of fear directed at him, but he was sure that there was reason behind it.

"Oh, then you can stop eating," Hyuk said, wanting to make sure that the little knew he could decide over his portions. The small sound of relief did not go unnoticed by the caregiver, who finished the plate for the little.

It seemed that they would need to start from small portions and hopefully he could wake up Ba Reum's appetite a little more soon.

"Let's get the table cleaned, and then we can play a bit," Hyuk said, removing the bib, and using it to wipe Ba Reum's cheek, before taking a wash cloth and making sure it was completely clean.

It didn't take long before everything was clean, Ba Reum hovering close to Hyuk, wanting to help, but feeling too little too.

"So, I don't have a lot of toys yet," Hyuk said, smiling at Ba Reum after he was done with the dishes, the little looking up at him while he was sucking his two fingers, "so, how about we play a little more with the cars."

"Yes!" Ba Reum said, happy to have the cars to play with. Moving to the carpet, he soon had unicorn on his lap while Hyuk gave him a car and they both pretending to drive them around, making car noises, and Ba Reum was having so much fun and was laughing so hard.

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenWhere stories live. Discover now