Chapter 50: This is the End, Goodbye Island of Despair

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"These are your memories," the voice uttered, "though you know it not..."

"Wow! I never knew that way was possible! So he's the same too?"

"Obviously. I mean he doesn't have any special talents that Hope's Peak would be interested in..."

"Yeah, he's...just a normal guy who can be found anywhere..."

"Well, admiring the academy is free, but it must be tough for the parents who have to write the check.

"Leave me alone..." Kamukura uttered "what's wrong with...wanting to become yourself...?"

"So you DO remember...?"

"No, I really don't..." Kamukura replied, "these memories...You claim they are mine, but..."

With the large picture having cut off his route, Izuru took the only one left available forward. Once he came to another split in the road, yet another one of his two options was sealed by a falling tapestry.

"Let us look at another..." the voice declared.

"He'll never get anywhere in life as he is."

"That doesn't mean we can just force him to be something he's not!"

"And what is he then? If he's not successful in his life, what is he? He's NOTHING!"

"How can you say that!? He's our son!"

"I'm saying this BECAUSE he's our son! What do you want me to say to him!? That he's worthless!? That his dreams won't amount to anything!? Is that what you'd prefer!?"


"We need to fix this...Hajime's entering High School. What if he stays like this until he's a grown adult!? We're almost always working and never at home! What if something happens to us!? How is he going to survive when that time comes with nothing to fall back on!"

"It's our fault...We've been too demanding of him. He's like this because we've been too strict with him."

"No, we haven't been strict enough. He's like this because we spoiled him far too much. And now we live in a society that won't accept him...Because if he's not special...he's nothing..."

"This..." Izuru clutched his arm, "these people are..."

"Your parents..." the voice told him bluntly, "you don't remember their faces. I doubt even Hajime Hinata does either..."

"Hajime...Hinata...?" Izuru repeated.

"Your true name," the voice told him, "what you really once were, but what you forgot. The Steering Committee scientists in the Cultivation Team tried to erase him for good, but traces of him remained here...His fate will be yours to decide in due time."

"What...?" Izuru frowned, stumbling down the labyrinth, "I don't know what you're talking about...!"

"Another...!" the voice spat, before yet another tapestry fell down from above.

"Nanami...Tell me. Are you making memories at Hope's Peak?"

"Uh...I think so? Why?"

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