
My body freezes, hearing the familiar voice call out my name. Vivian turns around, and since our arms are linked she tugs me with her.

My eyes land on Sonia. Sonia my ex-best friend who, if I'm being completely honest, looks worse for wear. Her once bright brown eyes are now more dull and clouded. Her cheeks that used to have a natural blush to them are now bland and a little hollow. Her hair is done and outfit pretty. She looks put together, but she doesn't seem put together.

Sonia makes a movement to walk closer, her eyes flitting to Vivian and then to me. When she sees how Vivian and I are standing together, her eyebrows furrow and her frown deepens, as if she's sad that I have a new friend that isn't her.

"If you want to speak to Nora you have to go through Callahan Media and ask for permission" Vivian squares her shoulders and narrows her eyes at Sonia. "And even then you may not get through to her" she snaps.

Sonia looks at me but I just blink, completely frozen in place. I don't move until Vivian drags me along with her towards the direction of the food court.

"Let's get some ice cream" Vivian rubs my arm while walking us over to the place that serves ice cream and milkshakes with some other sweet delights. It's like she read my mind because I've been wanting some all day.

After eating some chocolate ice cream and having time to unthaw my body (ironically with something cold), I'm finally able to speak again, even though I'm not sure that I have much to say.

"Are you okay?" Vivian asks, eating a spoonful of her mango sorbet. 

"I don't know" I twirl my spoon in between my fingers. "I thought I-" I sigh not really knowing what to say. "I don't know"

"Has anyone tried to contact you yet?" she asks with a concerned frown.

"Not that I know of" I shake my head. "Cal hasn't said anything"

Vivian nods. "Let's shop for some sandals next" she smiles, trying to brighten the mood.

I smile softly and nod my head in agreement.

I always thought that seeing Sonia in person after what happened would be soul crushing. I thought I'd miss her so much that I might forgive her and be her friend again, or at least I would want to.

But when I saw her I just felt...I felt bad, for her. These last almost two months, I've surrounded myself with people who make me know what my worth is, and I've been so comfortable and happy with them, that I never want to have people in my life who make me feel less than I am. Not anymore.

Vivian and I spend the rest of the afternoon shopping and then I take all my bags and James drives me to the one place that's started to feel like home. To Cal.


Nora stares out the window as James pulls the car onto the tarmac. She's been so excited that I haven't been able to look away from her. 

I try to ignore my phone that has been going off the entire car ride. I've never taken a day off of work and now I'll be off for a whole week. I trust Melanie and my brother to keep things up and running, but I'm fully prepared to have to deal with a tornado when we get back.

James gets out and opens the door for us as people head to the trunk to gather our luggage. I get out first and take Nora's hand to help her out.

Nora slides her hand into mine and looks up at me with a smile. My eyes roam down her body, seeing how beautiful she is. Her curls are pulled back into a bun, a few of them flying astray around her face, and she is wearing a blue t-shirt dress with white sandals.

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