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the hero's run through the hallways, izuku and kirishima talk within each other, satori hung beside rock lock. 

"This is strange. It's weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn't shown any movement..." Eraser said out loud. his voice slightly muffled by the scarf.

"Now that you mention it, nothing's twisting or turning." Deku noticed. satori ran beside him, nudging his shoulder with a small hum. 

"If he isn't putting any obstacles in our way while we're running, then our opponent might not be able to observe and control the whole basement. There's the police squad that remained above, too. Maybe he's focusing his attention on them." Eraser explained.

"Are you saying that he's limited in the area he can keep tabs on" Lock asked

"It's just a prediction. He went into the basement to control it. If it's not that he has been assimilated into it, but that he's moving around inside the walls to see and hear what's going on, then when he's manipulating the basement, it's possible that his body is also close." Eraser Head told everyone

"If an eye or ear from his main body is peeking through to try and block us..." Eraser Head told the group "Then I can see him." Eraser finished.

"should i go an assist mirio?!" satori looks to the hero's, "if i can find him, then i can warp to him!"

"no, you stay here, we need you here" rock lock looks to satori, she nods and continues to run along side them.

running through the halls everyone was on hight alert, suddenly aa part of the wall opens and a pillar shoves forward, pushing eraserhead towards an opening hole, on the other side. 

satori spins at the sudden noise, quick enough to see fatgum shove aizawa out the way and get taken instead, realising kirishima had also jumped, being pushed by fatgum, the pair had been pulled into the hole.

"leave them!" rocklock yells

"Hurry! We need to catch up to Mirio!" nighteye calls, suddenly the hallways start moving again, satori grumbles and try's to stable herself. 

"It feels like we'll be crushed to death!" aizawa groans as the walls start closing in.

"We'll be turned into damn pancakes!" rocklock yells.

"Rock Lock!" nighteye orders.

"Stop acting like the leader! We're in this fix because of your mistake!" he yells putting his hand on the wall. "Deadbolt!" the walls and hallways stop moving, rocklock grumbles and looks forward.

"This way! This area won't move anymore. Don't complain about how cramped it is!" lock snaps, "I can't hold that many spots with this Security Max Deadbolt. This is the limit of my powers!"

everyone starts moving again, a low rumble shakes the area, a wall heading straight towards the group at full speed.

satori jumps first, slamming her hands onto the wall she spreads her fingers and a controlled explosion of black shadows sends the bricks smashing into pieces and falling to the ground around her. she steps back and lowers her hands. 

black shadows curl into balls around her and she absorbs them, rolling her shoulders she lets out a small grumble. 

shadow Assimilation - User can transmute any form of shadow matter into energy which they can absorb and manipulate in several ways, such as expelling the energy offensively and/or defensively or using it to enhance their physical conditioning.

"Jesus" one of the officers whispers, "these kids are strong, didn't even break a sweat!"

"If the Fat-team were here, it's go even more smoothly, huh, Eraser?" rocklock glances around for any sign of mimic.

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