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"Now let me explain the rules of this Cavalry battle." Midnight said, waving her whip in the air. "There is a time limit of fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members points and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to to grab others headbands until time runs out. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up, so the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. Most importantly, if your teams headband is stolen, or if your team fails, you're not out of the game!"


a black mist wrapped around bakugo's stomach as he launches forward, as his body starts to angle down he is ripped backwards before he could hit the ground, glancing down to satori who was glaring up at him.

"what do you think you are doing you idiot!" she yells

"He's gotten separated from his horses! Is that okay?!" Present Mic announced.

"Nice catch!" Kirishima praised as satori and mina caught Bakugo.

"It's a technicality, so it's okay!" Midnight answered, adding, "It wouldn't have been if he'd touched the ground, though!"

"you idiot, stay down!" satori jabbed bakugo's side and he glared down at her. 

"would you stop jab-!" he is cut off when she jabs him again. "STOP THAT!" bakugo yells, satori smiles and glances up at him. 

"Now, let's take a look at each team's points... It's been seven minutes! Here are the current rankings up on the screen!" Present Mic announced. The crowd grew silent as the rankings appeared on the TV.

"What? Wait a minute." Present Mic questioned while a headbands got snatched from teams.

"Class A isn't doing so well..."Present Mic noted, getting a closer look at the rankings and team points before exclaiming, "Bakugo? What?"

all eyes turn to Monoma who had snatched bakugo's headband, he smugly smirked towards the group. "Class A is too simple-minded." the blonde smirked as he snatched Bakugo's headband.

"He got us!" Ashido gasped.

"What'd you say, bastard? Give that back! I'll kill you!" Bakugo yelled

"Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn't make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right?" the blonde asked Bakugo.

"Huh?" Bakugo glared at Monoma

"Assuming they'd keep about forty people for the next stage, we just made sure we stayed within that number as we ran, observing from the back the quirks and personalities of those who would be our rivals. There's no point in being obsessive over winning in the prelims, right?" Monoma explained

"It's better than going after a temporary 'top' like a horse with a carrot waving in front of its face." he pauses looking over to Midoriya who was being cornered by multiple groups, "we would have gone for that second place as well" he motions to satori, "but your reaction was so much better"

"Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous, aren't you? As the victim of the sludge incident!"

Monoma had hit a nerve, satori had to grab the back of bakugo's shirt to keep him down.

"change of plan..." Bakugo muttered, a dark aura engulfing him. "Before we get Deku, let's kill all these guys!" Bakugo smirked manically. suddenly a wall of shadow shot up from beside satori, bakugo glanced to the side to see a hand grazing her face.

her eyes widen and she swings her fist around into the front mans face, he yells and runs backwards, almost taking his team down with him. 

"that was close" mina gasps.

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