ナンバーワンの秋(FALL OF THE NO.1)

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Blood is thicker than water, her fathers anger runs through her veins, her mothers misery mars her face, when they hurt her, they think she will stay, but it doesn't matter if blood is thicker than water, when she lies bleeding from the wounds they gave - lyra wren



all eyes dart up to the screens watching All Might almost fly's straight into the camera before a flash of yellow moved him out of the way. it was grand Torino. the group comes to a halt, hidden at the back of the crowd of civilians. 

"This scene looks like it's straight out of a nightmare! In an instant, half of Kamino Ward had been destroyed!" The reporter informed as the camera panned up to show the wreckage.

"Currently, All Might is fighting the villain thought to be the ringleader! I can't believe it! There's just one villain! He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own again the Symbol of Peace!" The reporter continued.

AFO attacked All Might with a huge blast , All Might somehow keeping it from blowing him away, creating a huge dust cloud. The dust cleared away and Where All Might once stood, was now a man that looked so skeletal, wearing his costume.

"This can't be All Might..."

"Can you see this? All Might's...deflated!" The reporter said in a shocked voice. gradually the crowd started to speak, yelling for him to fight, to win. after doubting him seconds before, they all switched up again. 

the camera continued to film, allmights hand began as he clenched it into a fist, the arm becoming larger as he got ready to attack. AFO flew up into the air, hovering high above the ground.

AFO held out his arm to attack before a ring of fire stopped him. The camera moved to show Endeavor and Edgeshot at the battleground. Edgeshot and Endeavor attacked, distracting him from Kamui Woods grabbing unconscious heroes such as Best Jeanist, Gang Orca and Mt. Lady.

AFO sent out a huge attack, seemingly blowing everyone away, except All Might. His right arm then started to grow larger and larger. veins, metal and flesh, everything combining together. He rushed towards All Might, ready to attack. a swirling dust cloud appeared again, blocking the view of the camera.

The cloud cleared and AFO was pushing All Might back with is fist, however All Might was able to get a punch into the side of AFO 's face, he went to activate quirks into his left arm, but All Might was able to send a huge punch at AFO , making air twist and make the camera shake as the helicopter it was on was blown away from the impact.

allmight turned to the camera and pointed at it. 

"next its your turn" 

The crowd went wild. Chanting the name of the hero who had just won the day, screams and cries of celebration and relief fill the air.

For the students though, it was a punch to the gut. They understood the message given by the number one hero. It was up to the rest, other heroes and those in training, to win the day now.

bakugo looked down at satori, her eyes flutter slightly yet she was still out cold. 

Steering them away from the crowd, Iida leads the group to the outskirts of the square, meeting up with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. The group exchanged greetings before walking to the nearest police officer.

watching as the police panic in a flap at the sight of the two missing students, bakugo was ushered away from the others, him and satori pushed into an ambulance and rushed to hospital. 

on the way there satori woke up, slowly looking at bakugo he lifts his gaze to look at her, she forces a small smile and interlocks her fingers with his before she passes out once again. bakugo clenches hid jaw and cursed under his breath lowering his head. 

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