買い物 (shopping)

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In Class 1-A, Kaminari, Sato, Ashido and Kirishima stood bummed as mina cried into satori's shoulder, the white haired girl sighs and pats her back.

"Everyone... I'm looking forward... to hearing your stories... about training camp..." mina mustered lifting her face from satori's shirt.

"W-We don't know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!" Midoriya tried to comfort them.

"Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it." Sero put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"If we fail the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical exam..." Kaminari muttered before raising his finger, jabbing it into Midoriya's eyes, exclaiming, "If you guys still don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!"

Midoriya screeches and jumps back, satori grabs denki by the scruff of his neck, pulling him away from Midoriya. the blonde hisses and throws his hands out, almost like some feral cat.

"stop that!" she scolds, the blonde looks at her and slumps into her hold. 

"Calm down dude, that was some tirade! I mean, i don't know either, man. Thanks to Mineta we technically both cleared if, but all i did was sleep. So, like, and long as it's still not been made clear how we're being graded..." Sero tried to calm them down too.

Uraraka tries to help Midoriya as he holds his face in his hands in pain. Kaminari bursts back at Sero, "At least bring us back some lots of camp souvenirs, please!"

The door bursts open with Mr Aizawa standing there, papers under his arm. "Once the bell rings, you should be in your seat!" He announces, making all of the class scramble to there desks.

"Morning, now about your end-of-term exams... I hate to say that some of you have failed. And, as such.... Everybody's going to the forest lodge!" He declared with a grin.

the whole air tension lifted and

"What a twist!" everyone yells.

"There were zero failing grades for the written exam. For the practical, Satou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari and Sero all failed." Sero look shocked at this.

"But we can still go, Sensei!?" Kirishima asked him. Sero cover his face. "It's true looking back he never said clearing the practical meant a sure passing grade."

"For the exam, we "villains" left you a way to win while gauging how you faced the challenges we set for each of you. If we hadn't, then you'd all have run into a dead end before the challenges even really began." aizawa explained glancing at satori. 

"So when you said you were coming at us to crush us...." Ojiro said.

"That was to drive you into a corner. The forest lodge was a boot camp to begin with. So the students who failed are the ones who need it the most. It was a logical ruse!" aizawa grinned, satori groans and dropped her head onto the desk.

Ida suddenly shot up and raised his hand. "All the same! If you keep piling up "ruses" then our trust in you will begin to waver, will it not!?"

Uraraka then mumbled. "And Iida with the wet blanket."

"You're not wrong. I'll reflect. But it's not as though it was all a pack of lies. Failing grades are failing grades. So you've all earned yourselves special remedial periods."

"And to put it bluntly, they'll be harder than they would have been had you stayed on campus. Now I'm going to hand out the lodge guides so pass them back." 

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