日本 (usj)

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satori and bakugo quietly walks towards the school, after running into each other on the way they just walked together, there last moments of peace until the end of the day, as they walk into the gates the pair is instantly surrounded by reporters. all shoving there mics and cameras into there face.

"whoa" satori grumbles, as a reporter grabbed her by the shoulder. the cigarette that was perched between her lips falls then lands on the ground and is stood on, making her frown. 

"can you tell us what it is like to work so close with allmight!" 

satori's pupils dilate and she lets out a small breath, trying to pull from the mans grip. he smiles at her and she shakes her head, stepping away from him and pulling her arm away, only to land in the hands of another. 

"Is he helping your education at all?" another one, bakugo is pushed to the side and he yells. satori looks over at him. many reporters swarmed him and he was losing his cool as he attempted to make his way over to her

"Hey, aren't you that kid who was caught by a villain a few months ago?"

bakugo's brows furrowed and he raised his fist aggressively and yelled, "What did you just say?"

"Damnit, Bakugo, shut up!" satori yelled as she shoved through the group and grabbed the collar of his shirt. 

"get the fuck off me freak, who do you think you are!" he yells, shoving satori who didn't give up and harshly pushed him through the UA gates, ignoring his grunts and yells. 

"get off me you fucking ass!" he snaps, satori shoves him a final time and her eyes flick to aizawa and mic who were now trying to push the reporters back. 

"listen asshole, how are you going to become a hero if your first time on camera, you yelling and kicking like a psycho!" she snaps. 

"Who cares what they think, I can handle them myself!" he retorted, making satori groan.

"Do you not care about your image? How are you going to become the top hero if nobody likes you?" she asked. Bakugo didn't look happy, he glared at her and turned on his heel. 

"how do you plan on being a hero when you freeze up around big groups" he snaps back. satori furrows her brows and rolls her eyes. 

"fuck off freak" 

"freak, what a shit nickname!" satori yelled. 

"it fits doesn't it" bakugo sneered over his shoulder, satori smiled and rolled her eyes, "your a total ass Katsuki!" she sighs before following him inside. 

once inside the school satori splits towards the girls, mina smiles and hooks her arm around satori's shoulder as the conversation falls back. 


mina leant against satori's desk, satori looked down at her and flicked the pen at the pinks forehead before twisting it in her fingers again. someone had gotten in this morning between the flurry of reporters and the school had gone to chaos.

the doors swing open and everyone turns to see Aizawa walking in. he takes his spot up front and looks around before taking a deep breath and sighing.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

everyone gasps and mina lifts her head, glancing over at satori who stops playing with her pen. "Three pros? Is that because of the break in?" she whispers and mina hums. "probably"

"if you could all make you're way to the bus, this training is off campus" 


waiting for the bus was boring. satori adjusted the small red devices attached to her shoulders. 

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