"You think they're after something big?" Kaminari wondered.

"Even if they were, they'll be with pros." Ojiro told them.

"That's true. I guess we don't have to worry about them..." Sero agreed.


"Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold?" Rock Lock yelled. all the hero's having gathered for a meeting at the night eye agency.

"By stronghold, you mean..." Fat Gum spoke up. "The residence of the head of the Hassaikai..."

Ryukyu nodded.

"What, so our investigations were for nothing?" Rocklock spat.

"No, we were able to get new information, as well." Nighteye assured

"How were you able to confirm this?" Fat Gum asked. Nighteye held up a Glitter doll set, the room gave him a concerning look, what was this man doing with such a childish toy.

"A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department the other day and brought playthings aimed at young girls"

Fat Gum titled his head.

"What the hell...?" Rock Lock questioned.

"Maybe he just likes things like that! There are all types in this world, Nighteye!" Fatgum argued before asking, "Anyway, why did you buy one, too?"

after nighteye explained everything of what happened satori turned to kirishima, "still doesn't justify, why he brought one though" kirishima smiles and looks away, trying not to laugh.

getting into the hero costumes, now knowing what was facing you in the next few hours was a feeling satori never wanted to relive. 

she glanced at her phone, counting multiple missed calls from bakugo, after all they were childhood friends, so the both cared about each other, just not very publicly. 

satori was awake and out of the dorms before the others were awake, she went to visit aizawa. the pair ate breakfast and drank coffee, until it was time to go and she met with rocklock. she couldnt face her friends, the worry for Eri over clouding her thoughts, after this she would explain to them.

satori stares at the goggles she was going to throw away a few weeks ago, after speaking with aizawa, he had told her that she should wear them, as she was going to be within front ranking lines due to the power of her quirk and her mentor. 


"Once they've read the warrant, charge in! I'm counting on everyone to move swiftly." one of the detective's speaks, satori leans on Kirishima's shoulder for a second, he looks at her and forces a smile.

"you'll be okay" satori whispers, "breath"

 kirishima nudges her back. "be careful satori"

"you too" she hums. rocklock whistles and satori lifts her head, looking over he calls her over. "good luck guys!" she calls to her friends, running off to join rocklock. he had been talking with a few other hero's.

"In the first place, these yakuza guys are living secretly in the shadows. If they see all these heroes and police, they might just curl up on themselves"

everyone's body stiffens when the detective reaches out for the bell, as suddenly a huge villain punches down the gates and sets a few officers flying. izuku and satori are quick to react, he jumps up and catches one while raven throws out slabs to catch the other two.

"What do you want? Bringing all these people so early in the morning..." the giant roared out.

"Hey, wait! Hang on a second! Did they notice us already?" Rock Lock asked as he and Mr. Brave shielded the policemen. satori rushed over and lands beside him.

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