I can't lose you too. I'm not going anywhere.

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I heard a small intake of breath and glanced over Annabeth's shoulder.

Leo was still leant against the mast but had now opened his eyes and was looking around wildly. His gaze set on Annabeth's shaking form as she cried into my shoulder and then up at me with wide eyes.

Percy glanced over at Leo and he tapped Annabeth's shoulder. She glanced back at him, wiping her eyes and spotted Leo.

Annabeth glanced down at me and detangled herself from the hug. "Stay here." She muttered before walking over to Leo as Percy went belowdecks with Piper and Jason.

I looked up at Hoots, he was staring up at the sky with glassy eyes.


The owl looked down at me. I have to go. The others should know of the prophecy.

I frowned and stood shakily. But we're leaving now, how will you get to us if we cross the Mediterranean without you?

I'll fly.

That's not safe, you won't be under Sarff's protection anymore.

I can ask Aros if I need to follow you, however while you are in the Ancient Lands there are others you can seek help from.

I sighed. "Go. Make sure Aros is with you whenever you are travelling overseas and Tarian when you are over land, however. I'm still not sure what happened to Sarff or Calon, until we figure that out tell them to travel in pairs."

Hoots tilted his head slightly before taking off. I took a small step back as a blast of air pushed me back slightly.

I closed my eyes tightly and focused. Tell the others after this is over, I will help the search. We must find at least a trace of them or you are all at risk.

I sighed and opened my eyes. Annabeth was crouched down in front of Leo.

I walked over to them as she continued to question him.

"One more time." She sighed. "What happened?"

Leo slumped against the mast. "I don't know, it's fuzzy." He choked out.

Leo looked on the verge of tears which I could understand as all the work he'd put into making the Argo II was in shambles, he also had Annabeth, the new kid Frank and Coach Hedge all glaring down at him.

What I couldn't understand was what was going on.

Annabeth crossed her arms. "You mean you don't remember?"

"I..." Leo swallowed thickly. "I remember but it's like I was watching myself do things. I couldn't control it."

Hedge tapped his bat against the deck, glowering at Leo. "Look kid." He huffed. "you blew up some stuff. You attacked some Romans. Awesome! Excellent! But did you have to knock out the satellite channels? I was right in the middle of watching a cage match."

Annabeth's eye twitched. "Coach?" She forced a smile. "Why don't you make sure all the fires are out?"

"But I already did that." Coach frowned.

"Do it again." Annabeth sighed.

Coach huffed and trudged off down the steps.

Annabeth rubbed her face with her hands. "Leo." She said calmly. "Did Octavian trick you somehow? Did he frame you? Or-"

"No." Leo said. "The guy's a jerk but he didn't fire on the Camp, I did."

Frank scowled. "On purpose?"

"No!" Leo squeezed his eyes shut. "Well, yes... I mean, I didn't want to but at the same time I felt like I wanted to. Something was making me do it. There was this cold feeling inside me-"

Inferno (Leo Valdez x OC) (2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora