Percy can't have all the life-threatening prophecies

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Ella screeched and scampered towards Mrs O'Leary who had paused her play-fighting with the elephant.

Tyson lumbered after her. "Ella!" He yelped.

I stared as the Argo launched a second volley, it's port ballista firing a massive spear wreathed in Greek fire. It sailed straight through the broken dome of the Senate building and exploded inside.

I whirled back to the hellhound. "Tyson!" I called as the cyclopes tried desperately to calm the harpy. "Shadow-travel out of here! Get back to Camp!"

Tyson shook his head. "What about you? Or Percy?"

"We'll be fine!" The ground shook as another volley was launched at the Senate building. "Go!"

Tyson glanced down at Ella and clambered onto Mrs O'Leary. The hellhound bolted as soon as they were safely on her back. The elephant charged back to the Roman camp.

I turned to Hoots. I need to get to the Argo.

Hoots looked up at the ship just as a Roman catapult fired at it. The Argo II groaned and tilted sideways, flames bubbling over its bronze-plated hull.

The teddy bear boy is on the rope ladder. Hoots tilted his head.

I frowned. Octavian? Why is he on the ship? Did he fire on the Camp? He didn't trust us, maybe he's trying to get the Romans to turn on us.

Hoots ruffled his feather and spread his wings. No, he wouldn't know how to use the controls and as much as he hates Greeks, I doubt he's stupid enough to fire on his own Camp unless there was someone also on the ship for him to blame.

Hoots grabbed my wrist in his claws and launched himself into the air. He soared through the air towards the Argo, narrowly avoiding a flaming spear from the Argo and ducking under another volley from the Roman catapults.

I saw the Romans forming rings around the Argo's members and hurling objects at them.

Hoots dropped me onto the Argo's deck as he landed next to me.

There was no sign of Coach but a familiar boy stood amidships, calmly reloading the ballistae. My stomach dropped.

"Leo!" I yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Destroy them..." He faced me. His eyes were glazed, his movements almost robotic. "Destroy them all."

Percy and Annabeth ran up beside me, they'd climbed up the rope ladder by the looks of their blistered hands.

"What is going on?" Annabeth yelled.

"I-" I stared at Leo. "I don't know, he's just-"

Percy raced forwards and tackled Leo to the ground. His head hit the deck and his eyes rolled up into the back of his head.

A grey dragon soared into view, depositing Piper and an unconscious Jason on the deck. I gaped.

"Go!" Percy yelled to Annabeth. "Get us out of here!"

Annabeth ran to the helm and stared at the controls, frowning before grabbing the aviation throttle and yanking it straight back.

The ship groaned. The bow tilted up at a horrifying angle. The mooring lines snapped and the Argo II shot into the clouds.

I staggered back and Hoots wrapped his wings around me as I stared at my surroundings. My thoughts were racing at a thousand miles an hour. Hoots led me to the side of the ship and leant me against a stack of crates.

I watched as the grey dragon transformed into a human, Frank, he staggered to sit against the side of the ship, looking slightly pale. Percy and Annabeth were conversing quietly as Percy carried Leo's unconscious form to the lean against the mast. Piper was shaking Jason, trying to get him to wake up as tears traced their way down her cheeks.

Inferno (Leo Valdez x OC) (2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt